[quote=@Bright_Ops] [@Eyeruption][@Stekkmen] I say we attack at night, have our tech wizard shut down their alarms, security systems, phones and possibly internet so that we can move through the building relatively undetected via the outside world; Granted, I suspect that she can't cut all of those off, but anything that makes it harder for calls for help to get out will give us a bit more breathing room and ensures that it takes longer for a response to rock up. I'm inclined to suggest we save the explosions until we know that a response is coming and we can sacrifice stealth for time. Do we have anyone that can get us into the vault without drawing a lot of attention to ourselves? [/quote] It wouldn't be too hard, if she had access to the lines, to catch any outgoing signals and convince them that the cops they want are in some run down little station in the middle of nowhere, Siberia.