Viktor showed Elann a small smile as he nodded slightly in agreement with her words. “Yeah,” he said, “a bath is much needed when you’re out for that long.” As he spoke his Zeltivan accent became further apparent to Elann’s ears. There was a distinct difference between Common spoken in Syliras and Common spoken in Zeltiva, there was flare in the way they spoke in Zeltiva, mostly because the Svefra had such an impact on the long term development of the city over the years. “How was your trip, speaking of,” he asked, shifting to set both feet down on the floor. He brought the book up and folded over the corner, setting it off to the side onto the end table’s surface. Viktor was attempting to grow accustom to Elann’s presence in his home. All though she may not have known it, her arrival disrupted a balance in the home and her smells and presence were interrupting a familiarity Viktor had come to like in his shelter. He knew it wasn’t her fault, hence his pensive nature so far, it was simply something to get used to though. Isabella had done a lot to make Elann’s transition into Zeltiva, their home, and their family seamless so that nothing seemed to bubble on the surface of still water, of which included familiarizing Viktor with Noah’s partner.