Right, I suppose it's time for me to finally face the music on this, considering I'm the reason behind much of the stalling. Iridiel isn't a character that I've liked writing for a while now. She's always felt rather forced to me, she didn't feel natural, didn't feel as if she fit in with the setting - heck, I had to make a whole new race for her and her partner, and that attracted a bit of flak, which looking back is pretty justified. What makes the eireannach actually any different from your traditional fantasy stereotypical race? Nothing, really, aside from the metallic compound used in their blood. They're not relevant to the story, they're not even part of the world in which the story is taking place, these just make me realise that there isn't much point in me playing Iridiel, in my view. I'm not enjoying writing as her, and this lack of enjoyment has impacted on other people, for which I am truly sorry, I really am, and it's not fair on others for them to be penalised because some eejit from the north can't be bothered to make his character fun to write for again. So, what's to do about it? Well, I'm retiring Iridiel. But I'm not retiring from the RP. Shien and I (and Jack has had a PM sent to him about this) have been collaborating to create a new character of mine. And this one will be more intriguing, more enjoyable to roleplay and more able to be interactive with the other members of the party. Who is this new person? Well, until she's finalised, all I can give is her name: Angora the Untamed. Once again, I want to apologise for the awful delays, and I'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused... -Legion