[h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Glyph's Guild → Town Square] [/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] Ember took off and the small Kirlia waved her goodbye. [color=29afdd]"We'll be here!"[/color] Devon took off, and Lilisette followed, waving to the timid Bayleef. [color=29afdd]"He doesn't know where he's going, but I'm sure we'll go somewhere interesting~"[/color] Giving her a reassuring wink, she pressed onward. [color=29afdd]"I'm sure he's around here somewhere."[/color] Turning back to face Devon, she realized he had fixed his gaze upon her. Lilisette tilted her head, [color=29afdd]"Uh, are you going to puke or something? Might not wanna do that right here."[/color] It was a few moments after that where she realized she probably should have ran instead of slapping on the snark. Water shot towards her, completely drenching her form while pushing her a few feet backwards. When the torrent subsided, she stood there, wide-eyed. [color=29afdd]"...oh."[/color] After a few moments pause, Lilisette grew visibly angry. Rushing over to her assailant, [b][color=29afdd][LILISETTE used DRAINING KISS!][/color][/b] Once she closed the distance, Lilisette planted kiss on Devon's cheek in an attempt to drain him of his energy.