[hider=SPOILERS in regards to recent Civil War II thing] What gets me is that Bruce isn't even the Hulk currently. Like in a recent Totally Awesome Hulk issue he was revealed to be completely powerless as a result of Amadeus removed all the gamma radiation from him or something. As such, there was no chance of him Hulking out so no reason to shoot him? Like does Bendis have any clue as to what's going on in other people's books? I guess there's the argument that Bruce had been experimenting on himself again, but still! Absolutely shocking writing.[/hider] In regards to the other mini spoiler that Drew mentioned, I really need to catch up on Vision!! Thought I'd say though, the idea of possibly bringing on a Sam Alexander Nova was crossing my mind the other day if i ever decided to bring in another character. In order to reduce the number of teen supers in this RP though, I was going to have him be a college dropout in his early twenties (he had to look after his mum). Also planning on having him be wheelchair bound too. That being said, I'm too busy right now to create a new characters (^^ only said all this as i wanted to put it all down somewhere), so if you wanna give Nova a go KL, be my guest :)