[center][h1][color=00aeef]M[/color]arco [color=00aeef]M[/color]axell[/h1][/center] [hr] It hadn't taken Marco long to catch up to the others, riding at a swift gallop until he caught the tail end of their group. He had much to reflect once since the meeting with the Divine. Any whom may have noticed him would have gathered that he was more silent than usual. Like a brooding storm cloud hung over the boy for the remainder of the trip. Though, the natural beauty of the trip though the mountains and enclosed forest was not lost to him. From time to time, he was gazing upon the lands in hopes to discover something new. He would occasionally jot down quick notes in his journal as his pony rode onward, stopping briefly to take a small sample with him. He would never pass up the opportunity to learn something new. Once they reached the mansion however, the boy finally spoke. [color=00aeef]"By the Divine...,"[/color] he whispered quietly as the others began to dismount. He had never seen the moon that color, or that big. He could see the imperfections upon its surface due the the eons of existence that came to mar it. He quickly recovered, following the others to the large doorway that was opened to them all. However, he did not enter soon enough. A flash of a small being came flying past him and knocked him over into a nearby fountain ass first. He quickly spat out some of the water that flew into his mouth and look toward what caused him to spill over. He wasn't angry at the girl that was embracing Etsuko, well what he assumed to be a girl with the strength of ten gorillas at least, but rather curious. He didn't dwell on it for long however. He quickly removed himself from the fountain and began drying off his belongings with a simple fire spell. [color=00aeef]"I will be in shortly,"[/color] he shouted to Richard as he worked the water from this clothing, [color=00aeef]"I don't want to hold the others up."[/color] Still the butler waited patiently for him. He wandered into the mansion with the others, surrounded by the soft sound of music like a siren's call. It was pleasant to hear and mesmerized him into following its tune. He became aware that on his own he would have been lost within the mansion's expansive halls and silently thanked Richard for his assistance. Having seen the Lady of Demons for the first time, he was conflicted. She was cute, small and adorable... but he felt nothing from her other than the warm greeting smile... or at least what he perceived as warm. He remembered the same when he saw the Divine, though he couldn't grasp how Karin looked not a day beyond her prepubescent years. Marco found himself short of breath at her sight, though he managed to hide it better than before. She looked no older than he did, though he could only imagine what magics she used to hold such an appearance. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, ma'am, for having us,"[/color] he said politely before take a seat at the far end of the hall, away from the Lady of Demons. He glanced over at his guest, the Guratan warrior named Thuraya, before their meals appeared before him. His eyes widened as he saw his favorite meal. Shepherd's pie with golden flaky crust, mashed potatoes covered in melted butter, corn off the cob in a sweet cream sauce, and bread made from cornmeal. His mouth began to water just from the different aromas, though he knew that this plate was just for him. He took up his silverware and cut into the pie, steam rising forth, and brought a small fork load to his mouth. It was quite delicious, though it felt like it missed something. The more he ate, the less he tasted the food. It was until he was half way through the pie that he knew what was missing. A tear ran down his cheek as he thought about his mother and her passing. It was her cooking that he missed most, the love and care that went into each ingredient. He sniffed back more tears that wanted to flow, insisting on finishing his meal. He didn't want to ignore Karin's hospitality, such rudeness would sullen the teachings that his mother and father gave him. He grasped the mug of coffee, that he discovered much to his surprise again, and swallowed many hefty gulps. It burned on the way down, but warmed his chest and brought a small smile back to his face. [color=00aeef]"I may be a simple boy,"[/color] he spoke briefly as he rested the mug back down. [color=00aeef]"Born a farmer and his wife after a time of strife, but you have a way with cooking, Lady Karin. The food is delicious and reminds me of a life I may never get back. It was good to remember my roots during a time where I do not know of my future."[/color] There was much that he was unsure of, and frankly it scared him, but he had to keep a brave face. He wasn't the only one frightened by these events he was certain. But the others came willingly and would do what they could to ensure that they remained safe. It would be foolish to think that he would do less than that. [i][color=00aeef]'Divine watch over us, those who seek peace, in this war brewing at our feet,'[/color][/i] he thought in silent prayer as be started to mix his corn with his potatoes.