[i][h3]The Renata Household - Dining Hall[/h3][/i] At Marco's compliment the Lady of Demons had a strange reaction. For a moment she didn't react at all, as if she missed what he said entirely as she simply took a sip from her tea, and then her eyes widened suddenly even as the sip went down. Quickly she lowered her cup as her shoulders shook, head bowed briefly before she looked up, laughing only when it wouldn't send her tea spewing forwards. [b]"I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Maxwell, but I certainly don't prepare my own meals."[/b] A few snickers later and a slight shake of her head led to her lowering her cup, once more looking to them all. Her hand went out, and lazily the very tip of her very sharp nail of her forefinger began to slowly stir the liquid. She seemed pensive, thinking to herself, before she suddenly removed her hand and waved with a slight flourish of her fingers. Quickly Richard stepped forwards, removing the tea set from in front of her even as she spoke. [b]"Please, finish your meals, and then go and rest yourselves. You had a very long trip, and you should enjoy this time while you have it. Remember, I'll be speaking to each of you at some point in the following days, so expect me to find you."[/b] In that moment Helle suddenly sprung up with such force that it sent her chair wobbling erratically, and it would have fallen over if it weren't for Richard's intervention. She ended up landing on the table, feet barely missing her own plate and silverware as she threw her arms out, saying, [b]"I'll lead you all to the guest rooms! They're easy to find!"[/b] [b]"Everything here is easy to find, so long as you remain calm."[/b] The Lady of Demons began to rise then, turning to walk over to a small door to the side. [b]"Enjoy your night."[/b] [hr] [i][h3]The Capitol of Barcea[/h3][/i] The Capitol of Barcea was under siege. It was at noon that news of the approaching H'kelan army reached the Queen, and by then it was far too late to do anything besides prepare for the inevitable. The gates were shut and the walls manned, and for two hours the entire city waited with bated breath. When the H'kelan forces appeared, however, whatever hope they had of fighting them off died instantly. The army could have been more accurately described as a horde, easily thousands of H'kelans thirsty for Barcean blood flooding around the Capitol's walls, surrounding them entirely. At the forefront of the forces stood Gartian and his Advisor, the Rabid King grinning at the front. Holding a torch he stepped forwards, toeing the line that was the range of the Barcean archers, getting close enough to tempt them to prepare to fire but never getting close enough to actually be in danger. From this position he brought his voice up, calling out so that everyone on that side of the wall could hear him without straining: [i][b]"GOOD AFTERNOON, MY FOUL WRETCHES! I COME HERE FOR ONE PERSON ONLY; YOUR SO-STICKILY-BELOVED QUEEN! HOW I GET HER IS UP TO YOU; THIS CAN GO BY WITHOUT A SNEEZE, OR I CAN REACH HER USING A BRIDGE MADE OF YOUR CORPSES!"[/b][/i] Though Gartian may have phrased it in such a way that it could have been viewed as a temptation for betrayal, both sides knew that none of the Barcean soldiers would ever turn against their country and their Queen in such a low way. Not even a murmur passed up and down the wall, everything silent save for the Captain of the Guard ordering a messenger to be sent up to the castle. The messenger was able to move quickly through the streets seeing as they were clear of everyone except other soldiers, the citizens of Barcea having already been told to keep to their homes with their doors locked. The Queen had spent her time waiting in the throne room since the news of the impending attack, and this is where the messenger found her. Quickly dropping to one knee he relayed Gartian's demands, while also telling her that the Barceans were prepared to fight and die to keep her safe... But this didn't seem to bring any sort of comfort to the Queen. Quietly, Kori simply shut her eyes, and stayed like that for almost three minutes before she sighed, saying, [b]"I suppose I have no choice then..."[/b] With that, she began to slowly stand. Thin lips parted, single icy blue eye widened as it fell upon the messenger, and then the Queen. Head turned to watch the Queen, waiting patiently for her response. Like all those outside this room, outside these walls, Krissandria too was willing to lay down her life for her. Yet with so many people ready to die, she knew that Kori would never let such a thing come to pass. She knew that if given the choice, she would gladly give herself over to save the lives of those trying to save her own. Finally, when she spoke, the elf reached forward, stopping just short of taking the Queen's arm in her grasp. Fingers hesitant, they simply let their tips brush against arm instead. [color=82ca9d][b]"Your Majesty..."[/b][/color] Anything she said would be for nothing, she knew that already. She wouldn't convince her to change her mind, not while everyone was in such danger. Not while she was the only one who would be able to save these lives. Eye closed, and finally fingers pressed a little harder against the Queen's arm, teeth clenched. [color=82ca9d][b]"Surely... Surely there must be something else we can do."[/b][/color] blue orb opened, gazed, showing determination to find another way, sorrow for the inevitable choice that had already been made. The Queen fully stood, but didn't take that first step forwards thanks to the touch of the elf. It brought her pause, and once more she closed her eyes. However, they didn't remain shut for very long that time, the Queen soon looking to Krissandria with an intense sort of resolve that, while not surprising considering who the Queen was, still seemed just a little out of place. [b]"Not this time, Krissandria. There is no reason to draw this out. Cyril and Ayano are safe, so fighting now would simply be a waste of life. I will give Gartian what he wants; I will surrender myself to him, and he will retreat from the Capitol. Of this I am certain."[/b] With what she had said, there was nothing to keep Gartian from storming the Capitol after she turned herself over... But it was as if Kori knew something that they didn't, something that would indeed mean Gartian would have no choice but to leave the Capitol be. Regardless of how certain she seemed, Krissandria couldn't help but lean ever so slightly closer to her. Anyone else wouldn't have noticed, but Kori would. Eye looked between the Queen's two. [color=82ca9d][b]"Majesty..."[/b][/color] she said again, voice hushing significantly, [color=82ca9d][b]"I thought the worst before; that I might have lost you. Then again right after I came close once more; I vowed to you I would not leave your side again. I would keep you safe."[/b][/color] mind raced, going over what Kori had said once more, she knew two things. Kori would not change her mind, and for her to accompany the Queen wasn't possible either. Another moment of silence and a soft sigh escaped her lips, [color=82ca9d][b]"So what would you have me do..?"[/b][/color] For a moment Kori was silent, and then she replied quietly, [b]"I don't plan on this being the end, Krissandria. Not nearly. Go to Cyril, as fast as you can, and let him know what happened. I have no doubt he'll rush to join the Guratans and tell them what happened as well, and from there... We can end Gartian's aggression."[/b] For a moment she was silent again, before she reached up to gently rest her hand on the elf's gripping just a little tightly. [b]"Take your sister with you, just in case. If anyone can help her become stronger and what she was meant to be, it's Lady Renata."[/b] Hand turned from her arm and grasped back at the Queen's hand, eye closing once more. She bowed slowly, very slightly. The bow held only a moment before halberd clattered to the floor and her other arm came around to pull Kori into an embrace. Breaths were deep, as though trying their hardest to keep calm, and three words whispered to the Queen's ear before the blonde pulled away. She turned to pick up her weapon and looked at it as she stood. Posture straightened and her expression changed to a blank one. [color=82ca9d][i]'The next time I see you... I will never leave you again.'[/i][/color] As for her sister, [color=82ca9d][b]"Yes, we'll go. But you know... Alicandriella will be upset she didn't get to see you off with a care basket."[/b][/color] a poor attempt at lightening the mood, but an attempt no less. [color=82ca9d][b]"Be safe, Kori..."[/b][/color] When the embrace came Kori returned it just as tightly, closing her eyes only after she was certain Krissandria could no longer see her face. If there had been no one else in the throne room the Queen would have shown the briefest signs of weakness... But she wasn't allowed even that relief thanks to the presence of the other guards. She fully regained her composure as the elf did the same, and a gentle smile came over her face at the mention of Alicandriella's name, her nodding. [b]"I will be, Krissandria. You as well. Be as quick as you can."[/b] Steps took her from the throne room, down to the stables. As she readied herself, she couldn't help but look to such a noble steed and feel as though she were the worst knight, unfit to protect such a Queen as Kori. Trying to make light of things her mind resulted to blaming the fact she lacked any shining armour, but the thought was quickly pushed aside. Saddle set upon two horses, halberd strapped to the side of one, a bow and light mace to the other. She pulled herself up and made way into the city then, turning off the main road into the business district. If she knew her sister, she would be thinking positively, and making the best of things here, rather than in her home. And right she was to assume such things. She hopped off the horse, tied him and the other off to a post and slowly opened the door. The gentle ringing of a bell sounded above her and for a moment, things seemed fine. The smell of freshly baked goods wafted into her nose and it was a pleasant quiet, unlike how it had been in the throne room. [color=82ca9d][b]"Alicandriella?"[/b][/color] The sound of her name could only bring one reply; [color=f6989d][b]"I'll be right out! Just give me a moment!"[/b][/color] Krissandria sighed, they didn't [i]have[/i] time... [color=82ca9d][b]"Alicandriella we don't have the luxury of time on our side. Please, we must speak."[/b][/color] She was greeted by a slightly smaller elf who looked nearly identical, save slightly darker eyes and hair. That, and instead of battle-ready attire, she stood in a corset and dress. She had a very folksy peasant look about her, and the bright pink oven mits didn't seem to help any. She carried the tray to the front counter and started putting the goods onto the rack. [color=f6989d][b]"Let me guess. You're going off on another important mission, and I'll be left to worry about you for a while again."[/b][/color] [color=82ca9d][b]"I wish that were the case... Unfortunately, you won't be worrying about me. You'll be accompanying me. Get your things, we leave as soon as you're ready."[/b][/color] [color=f6989d][b]"What? What could I possibly do to help? I'll just get in the way, aren't there other knights that can-"[/b][/color] [color=92ca9d][b]"[i]Damnit Alice![/i] We don't have time for this! Get your things ready, [i]now![/i] Close the shop, grab what you need, [i]we're leaving![/i]"[/b][/color] The smaller elf flinched backward slightly, but after a moment of really taking in her sister's expression for the first time since she arrived, she nodded and went into the back portion of the shop. Ovens were turned off, dough put away and she grabbed a few of her belongings that she had with her. Her pennywhistle, cloak, coin and seed pouches, along with a larger satchel filled with food - mostly sweets, but some other food items as well - then met her sister in front again. [color=f6989d][b]"What's the matter, Kriss..?"[/b][/color] [color=92ca9d][b]"We have a long road ahead of us... Just come with me... I'll explain more on the way."[/b][/color] [color=f6989d][b]"Will Kori be coming too?"[/b][/color] An unsettling pause from the elder sister came then. The younger simply nodded. [color=f6989d][b]"I see..."[/b][/color] She climbed up onto the horse that her sister had brought for her, and with a gentle pet of the mane, let Krissandria take the lead, following close behind. By the time the two sisters arrived at the gate to leave the Capitol, it was already opened slightly with guards and Barcean soldiers all around them. None of them were even slightly joyous that beyond the walls the forces of H'kela had already withdrawn; they had seen their Queen give herself up, which the two elves hadn't. [hr] [i][h3]The Renata Household - The Next Day[/h3][/i] It was only due to the clocks inside the home of the Lady of Demons that any of them would be able to tell that night had passed and morning had come; truly, the unnatural night was eternal surrounding this home. Though the Lady of Demons hadn't explained herself about how remaining calm had anything to do with the hallways of the mansion, the more perceptive while simultaneously being more explorative of the group would learn that the hallways did indeed react to their emotions. Though they always twisted and turned in a confusing manner, so long as one kept calm one would end up at whatever destination within the mansion that they desired... or, in cases where they had no destination in mind, would end up somewhere interesting, or where they should have been. The halls of the mansion were always quiet. Not a servant was ever seen, even if the halls remained perfectly clean no matter what happened. It was a place full of sights that they had never seen, and would probably never see any else in the world.