[center]The Premise[/center] Hermione Granger was a very smart girl, almost [i]too[/i] smart for someone so young and born to two muggle parents. She carried herself with a level of maturity that many girls around her lacked. Hermione was clearly a witch born from another age but in fact, she was born on a whole other planet called Gallifrey. It was there she lived for several hundred years before finally being allowed to become a Time Lady and go scope out the vast universe. For a good century and a half, The Scholar visited many planets and saved many races when they were in peril. The Scholar had a companion by her side from time to time but often found herself alone for various personal reasons. After ages of traveling in her TARDIS, she decided to plant roots and just become an observer. She picked Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because she has always been fascinated by witches and wizards and how oddly logical it all could be. Given her youthful appearance, it was little trouble for the time traveler to gain admission to the prestigious academy. And for several years, she grew fond of the company, namely in Harry Potter. She had visited his past and future and yet there was something about his time at Hogwarts that she just fell in love with. It was simple but so complex and full of hardship and joy. While at Hogwarts, she crafted a name, an identity for herself: Hermione Granger. But from time to time, she would scurry off to her TARDIS which was cloaked in the Forbidden Forest or sometimes stashed in a Hogwarts closet, to go back out into the universe and make it back in time for Double Potions with Slytherin. Even on her adventures, the Time Lady can't help but miss Ron and Harry and made the choice to bring one of them along next time. It had to be Harry, it would always be him, no matter what. Her heart knew he could truly appreciate the wonders the universe had to offer. She wanted to show him that life was eternal and pain didn't have to be. [center]The Guidelines[/center] I am looking for someone to play Harry Potter. I am also taking up the role of Ronald Weasley but if you want to share him, that's fine. I am seeking someone capable of five to six paragraphs. You don't need to deliver a post every day, in fact one or two a week is probably preferred anyway. Now you don't need to have seen Doctor Who considering I'm taking the role of a reinvented 'Doctor' of sorts. But obviously, you should be very familiar with Harry Potter's universe. Since you're playing the other main role, I believe it's fair to let you pick which year Hermione breaks the news to her best friend. And if this isn't obvious, this roleplay is centered around a romantic relationship between Hermione and Harry. Do you want her to be in another House? Do you want Ron to take the role of some antagonistic alien? What about The Dark Lord? This is a chance to be creative and have so many wild adventures within the Harry Potter universe. I think bringing the best of both worlds could be incredibly rewarding and fun. So who is up for a magical romance through time and space?