Name of Nation: The Anzac-Canakkle Monarchy (New Monarchy) Banner/Flag: [img][/img] Type of Government: The monarchy controls all matters of the state, but allows the citizenry to control their local governments. Each region has a elected leader that is the liaison between the royal family and the people Leader(s): King Ganius Kleto Bactra Anzac Queen Vulpa Ameez Canakkle Persons of Importance: -Prince Holvar Juli Solonius Anzac ( Eldest) -Prince Cato Aurelia Castus Anzac -Princess Lucretia Totale Bella Anzac ( Youngest) Species(s) and Demographics: The Anzac-Canakkle Monarchy is made up of one species, the Hol. To date, the monarchy hasn’t met any other sentient species. They are gray skinned humanoid creatures, and differ from humans only by skin tone. Religion Description and Demographics: The entirety of the Anzac-Canakkle Monarchy is made up of the Hol people who worship their monarchs like deities. As members of the royal family are born, they are deemed holy and worshipped by the people of the ACM ( Azac Canakkle Monarchy. As they age and control state matters, they are ordained saints by the people. There is no name for this region and it is mostly passive, not requiring any ceremonies or special rites. Citizens either worship the entire royal family, a certain member of the royal family or both. Some members of the royal family have specific names, gained either from battlefield accolades, humanitarian missions or Economic successes. King Ganius Kleto Bactra Anzac ( Saint of War) Queen Vulpa Ameez Canakkle ( Saint of Mercy) Prince Holvar Juli Solonius Anzac ( Saint of Order) Princess Lucretia Totale Bella Anzac ( Saint of Love) Culture: Since the beginning of the Three Century war, society never had the chance to undergo drastic cultural changes. Most towns and villages stayed rather rural, using upgraded versions of the tools their ancestors used. For example, most farmers still use mules to plow their fields. The plows however, usually plow, seed and cover automatically. There is a distinct class system, yet class is not linked to wealth in any way. There are farmers that are wealthier then lords, and lords that are poor as some farmers. Your class represents your area of expertise in society. Everyone, except the immediate royal family and regional governors, have chosen their specialty in life. In the large expanse of countryside between the cities on Itil, you will usually find those of the farming class. In the large mega-cities doting the surface however, you can find people of all classes. There are three main classes of people; Lords, responsible for upholding law and order. Artisans, the creators of some good and service. The artisan class encompasses everyone from home builders to arms manufacturers, this also is the largest class in the dual monarchy. The last class is warrior, which encompasses everything from guards to elite military units. Few decide to stray from their parents chosen class, most businesses have been family owned since the beginning of the war. Having warred for the majority of recorded time, diplomacy is the focus for the monarchy. Royal diplomats are expert at conflict avoidance, resolution and negotiation. There is a small corps of royal diplomats that handle all matters of foreign affairs. LANGUAGE: The Hol speak Bolčoi, pronounced bolshoy. To human ears it would sound like a slurred version of a slavic language, like Russian, Czech or Polish. The spoken language has many hard sh and ch sounds that are used to denote tense, gender and time. History:Prior to the Alliance, the Hol lived as a federation of loosely allied city states. Each had its own claim to territory based wealth, size and military prowess. The city of Laum, governed by the rich and politically ruthless Anzac family held the largest territory. The Anzac family or Anzaci to the Laumites, had already assimilated two other nation states before deciding to expand again, this time through conquest. Through large bribes to nobles, good pay and conscription the Anzaci gathered a massive army and conquered the known region. City states either assimilated, pledging allegiance to the Anzac family or were crushed by military action. This was not an isolated event however, as the Anzaci rose to power the Canakkle federation was being born. The Federation was a small group of closely tied city states that collectively governed the shared area. The Federation grew fast, and soon what was a collection of four city states turned into a nation of 20. With no knowledge of each other the new formed nation of Laumedies began conquering territory of the Canakkle federation. The response from the Canakk Federation was swift and devastating. The veteran army that had founded Laumedies was wiped out by the armies of 20 city states, an army containing both sons of the the emperor Jackal Gali Anzac. At first, the Canakk Federation had no idea what they had done, until the Laumites began burning their way through Federation territory. Entire cities were sieged and set ablaze by the now significantly larger Luamite army. Anyone who tried to flee the city was killed, man woman and child alike. It didn’t take long for the federation to gather their own armies to meet the Laumites, resulting in a month long frenzy of battles and skirmishes. When the battles ended, borders were drawn that would last for the next three centuries. At first both nations licked their wounds and strengthened. Fortifying borders, building infrastructure and spending a lot of time thinking, training and developing new ways to kill each other. A cold war was next, espionage, covert action and propaganda were the weapons of both nations for the next six years. It didn’t take long for the cold war to turn into a planet wide conflict, with Laum and federation forces doing battle on land and on the planets “great oceans”. This first world war lasted eight years and devastated the outer boundaries of each territory while the inner territories remained relatively untouched. Another cold war started while each nation rushed aid to their affected territories followed by a brief 10 year period of detente. For a moment the feeling of peace washed over the planet and there were rumors of cooperation and even integration amongst the territories. The Laumites, now tired from decades of constant fighting and espionage desperately wanted peace amongst the two nations. The war had lost favor in the royal courts and the noble families were close to revolution at the thought of another world war. To the Federation, the scorched earth campaign by Laumedies was still fresh in the minds of many and the leadership was eager for revenge. Using the guise of establishing trade routes, Federation forces clandestinely breached the border defenses and started the “Strum offensive”, strum meaning vengeance in the Canakk tongue. At first the Federation solidified their hold of the border region, cleverly cutting off towns as they inched forward. Rebels and soldiers were executed or imprisoned while civilian leaders were given the choice to either submit or die. Much to the surprise of the Federation, most cities chose to die, suffering months of sige before finally falling to the defenders. The Federation horribly misjudged conditions in Laumedies, The Anzaci were thought to be evil slave drivers, ruling the empire with an iron grip and swift hand. The truth was much different, many local leaders rarely saw their regional governors, who more often then not, were held in very high esteem by the populace. Quality of life nation wide was high and the people revered the royal family, some even thinking them divine. The Federation had taken almost a third of Laumedies before word got to the ruling generals in the capital. At first there was shock, anger and outrage at the depravity of their neighbors, such underhanded tactics were seen as undesirable by the leading generals of Laumedies. The people, still mourning the loss of both crown princes were quick to answer the call to arms, men joined armies and militias nation wide to combat this threat. Laumedies produces truly terrifying armies of professional soldiers and civilians like, dwarfing the army of the “Strum offensive”. Espionage was not new to the Laumites but never before had spies been used to this extent. Large and elaborate networks linked the besieged towns with the intelligence services, and soon resistances were formed in sieged cities to harass the federation forces from behind as “Magna Armada” or Queens army marched forward. It took a long and extremely bloody 50 years for the Laumites to regain their lost territory, devastating the already devastated border regions in the process. As their industrial revolution began, war was now mass produced and increased on a frightening scale. “The Great Oceans”, which was relatively peaceful before, now became bloody battlefield as steel replaced wooden fighting vessels. Large, inaccurate muskets gave way to frighteningly accurate bolt action weapons that completely changed the view of warfare. Cannons were replaced by field guns of various sizes and capability, turning once lush green fields into bogs of mud, tepid water and rotting bodies of the long deceased. A no-mans land was established, on the land borders between the two nations, and the war ground to a halt. large systems of trenches with large bunkers were established on either end. Advancing toward the border of either country meant certain death and constant artillery bombardments made soldiers lives hell. With the land war ground to a halt, the naval war intensified almost immediately. Large naval engagements and island hopping campaigns added to the bloody struggle for supremacy. For two centuries the two nations skirmished and fought at various intensities, taking their fight to the skies and finally space. After nearly three hundred years of hostilities, two nations finally signed non aggression pacts, ending the war and destruction. The planet would be forever changed, muddy bogs, pulverized sections of turf and large cracks the crust were scattered around the planet. 30 percent of the planet was dead, completely destroyed from constant warfare. Half buried burnt out tanks dot the countryside, while the half submerged hulls of ships are common along the coast. Cooperation started immediately, the two nations adapted to peace quickly. The royal families intermarried and the two nations slowly blended together. The dual state of the Anzac-Canakkle Monarchy was formed 100 years after wars end. The “New Monarchy” was founded around the principles of diplomacy and conflict avoidance, so that another three centuries war can never happen. TECHNOLOGY: Civilian technology is commonly upgraded versions of old tools. Plows are still pulled by animals, but the plow also seeds, waters and covers the ground while moving. “ If it isn’t broke, why fix it” can be used for most of the civilian technology you will see. Quality of life is very high, and life spans have reached two centuries for some. Military technology is very modern and increasingly effective. The Hol perfected the art of killing each other during the three centuries war and still do research to remain sharp. Powered armor, holographic HUDs and bio-augments are common amongst the military. Weaponry is a mix of ballistic and magnetically accelerated projectiles, the common round types are the APDS or Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot and APHE or Armor High Explosive. Military: The once giant militaries of the A-C Monarchy have been condensed down to an elite force of 1000 soldiers. Called “ The Legion” by the Hol, they are designed to operate as large singular unit or small separate platoon sized forces. They specialize as a quick raid force and are classified as heavy infantry, utilizing multiple weapon and armor systems. The Legion is organized into four companies of 200 men, each company being split up into platoons of 20. The last 200 soldiers make up the armored detachment, using tanks, self propelled field guns and a small detachment of VTOL strike aircraft. Being small in number, each soldier is equipped with the best the monarchy has to offer. Each soldier wears powered armor and fields the best weapons known. The Legion are professional soldiers and train constantly, new techniques and tactics are always being developed and tested. Infantry: The backbone of “ The Legion” is its infantry. Classified as heavy infantry, the Shock troops of the legion are the most distinguishable face of the military. [hider=Legion Shock Troop][IMG][/IMG][/hider] A Company, Reconnaissance ( 200 Hol, 20 Mirelurk APCs, 3 Grail Recon aircraft) B Company, Regimental Combat Team ( 200 hol, 10 BTR-90 APCs, 10 Mirelurk APCs) C Company, Weapons and Support ( 200 hol, 20 MK2-170mm field guns, 10 MK1-105MM anti tank guns, 50 STG-88 Anti Aircraft Artillery, 50 GAU-1 40mm Anti Air Gun, 10 TOR-89 SAM, MK5-70mm mortars) D Company, Armor and Aircraft ( 200 Hol, 30 UTG—1 “Ghoul” Air to Air fighters, 30 UTG-45 “ Banshee” Air to Ground fighters, 10 SU-30 multirole fighters, 100 T-90s tanks) [hider=Grail Recon Gunship] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=BTR-90][img][/img][/hider] [hider=UTG-45"Banshee"][img][/img][/hider] [hider=UTG-1"Ghoul"][img][/img][/hider] [hider=SU-30][img][/img][/hider] [hider=T-90][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Mirelurk APC][img][/img][/hider]