[color=#b4b4b4][h1][b]Petra the Aron[/b][/h1][/color] [i]Folio’s Trunk - Floor 7[/i] The voices grew closer. Closer. They were nearly upon her. A little black head appeared in the room’s only exit corridor. The Umbreon head looked around, settling on her for a moment, before popping back out of the room. Petra considered giving chase, but she didn’t want to appear hostile, and that was certainly something that wild pokemon did. She instead patiently waited, and twice used [HARDEN], just in case whoever she met here came to blows with her. Some more of the group she’d predicted appeared. An angry-looking cat with big teeth, and a spunky-looking pokemon she didn’t recognize. She had seen the Umbreon and Luxio before around town, but didn’t know much about them besides that they were of the guild. She relaxed a bit. If they were guild members, then they wouldn’t do her harm. Guild members followed a code of honor, after all. Or, so she thought. The pokemon saw her, and quickly spoke to each other. “They look scared,” said the fluffy looking one. Scared? Petra was not scared at all! “I am not!” She called out to them, standing back up from her crouch, forgetting she was on top of the stairs. Her back legs slipped, finding no purchase in the air. She scrambled, trying to catch herself, but her legs were too short. “Aaaaeeeee!” Petra let out, as she tumbled. The spinning bonks didn’t cause her damage, but they certainly hurt. Her fall lasted what felt like minutes, whirling and tumbling every which way. By the time she reached the bottom, she was on her back and thoroughly dizzied. “Ooww,” she said, loudly enough to be heard from above. A strong wind blew through the room.