[@Wick] It was impossible. Impossible and unbelievable. How could this man love her of all people? She had been a cold bitch to him ever since their baby had been born, but it had been to keep him away from her. It had been because she had known the moment she'd woken in that hotel room that he was too good for her. "You're too good for me," she said, getting down on her knees and pressing her forehead to his. [color=6ecff6]"My father screwed me up so badly I'm not sure I can be what you deserve to have. But I do love you Matthew Hyatt."[/color] ~~~~~ It was later that she wandered down to the kitchen area where Nikki and Jenna were. Balancing Grace on her hip, her left hand felt very heavy with the ring on her finger. She felt like there was a spotlight on it. It made her nervous, how people were going to react. She knew Nikki would be thrilled, but as for the others... When Kat entered the kitchen she zeroed in on Jenna. Something was off. She had the look that Kat recognized all too well. Going up to her, Kat placed a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder and stared at her, her eyes narrowing a bit.[color=6ecff6] "Excuse us a minute Haru,"[/color] she said, backing Jenna away. She was silent a few moments, just staring at the other woman.[color=6ecff6] "I'm not going to ask what happened because I already know. That look in your eyes... I know it because I've had it before. You don't have to tell me and if you say 'back off bitch' right now I will with no more questions asked. But if you need help dealing with this from someone who understands, I'm right here."[/color] Grace babbled in baby language and reached out to pat Jenna's face. And the promptly proceeded to pull her hair a bit, giggling in the process. Kat gently pulled the hand away. [color=6ecff6]"No Gracie. Don't pull. Be nice,"[/color] she said, holding the baby's hand and running it gently over Jenna's hair.