Color=yellow][center][h1]Haru Sento[/h1][/center][/color] [Color=yellow]” Heh. Yeah that was the same look I gave Vivian. It was a homemade Irish paste but she… She died before I found out the ingredients so I can only cover it over with make-up. Erin hasn't spoken a word about her so I guess I needed someone to share memories of that wonderful woman with.”[/color] the young man said in a sad tone. [color=yellow]” I haven't seen Matt so I only assumed that he was making sure the child and mother was alright. If I'm being a bother then I can go.”[/color] Haru stood up and nodded to Jenna and Chris. No one really talked about what their life was before all of this had happened. Whether it was painful, exciting, or even boring. Kat suddenly appeared making an eyebrow raise yet he allowed then a minute before looking around the room. [Color=yellow]” Ummm… it could just be me but where has our Jekyll and Hyde disappeared to now? Please don't tell me Clara had snuck outside by herself just like last night. Because if she did then Nikki will not be happy when the dark side comes back.”[/color] he stated out loud without thinking. [@Belle][@Wick][@LPFan]