[color=lightpink][h1][b][center]Sadie Hill[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/abreslin/zombieland/abzomb49.jpg[/img][/hider][hr] Sadie and Micky sat in the new room awhile not doing much of anything. They didn't know any of the people in the school. The room was a standard size classroom with a few desks for them to store their things. Micky sat in a corner drawing in a sketch pad he'd found in a desk while Sadie read a Nancy Drew book she had found a few days ago. After some time passed Sadie checked her watch noticing it was near 11:30. She got up and started digging through her backpack. Having not found what she was looking for, she started to worry. [color=lightpink]"Micky, do you know where my pills are?"[/color] At that the younger brother looked up and shook his head. Normally missing a dose wouldn't affect her, but an apocalypse wasn't a normal circumstance. Sadie started to panic. Just the mere thought of not having her medicine caused her to experience what the medicine was suppose to prevent. Quickly Micky jumped up to search his bag and recheck Sadie's. Then he ran out of the room while Sadie watched him go. Sadie had no idea what to do hopefully her brother went to get help or had some idea where her medication was. Fortunately, a few moments after Micky had run out he was back with a small bag and breathing heavily. He quickly pulled out a small bottle and handed Sadie two tablets and a bottle of water. Sadie quickly downed the medicine and said, [color=lightpink]"Thanks, Micky."[/color] The younger brother grabbed his sketch book and wrote, [b]Next time put the med bag [i]in[/i] your backpack.[/b] [color=lightpink]"It's not funny."[/color] The younger one went back to writing, [b]Just trying to lightin the mood.[/b] It wasn't that Micky was born mute. That only started at the beginning of the outbreak. Each of the remaining Hills had their own issues. Some more hidden than others. Some worse than others. As the two started calming down an announcement was made over the PA system. It was about food. It had been a few hours since the Hills had eaten anything. They had a good amount of random 'useless' supplies, but they had trouble getting food. Alex never wanted to be in a place where he couldn't see the younger ones so he avoided big stores and only hit small convenience stores which had mostly been raided. [color=lightpink]"Hey, Micky. Maybe we should go get some food and then find something to do."[/color] Micky gave a big grinned response to that idea. The two quickly put their things back in their bags and threw them on. One rule Alex made for them was to never be out of arms reached of their gear. Entering the cafeteria, the two grabbed a few sandwiches and practically swallowed them whole. After they ate some they looked around for someone to ask for directions. They could hear a voice that sounded like the one on the PA system. They followed the voice and on seeing the mass amount of people in the kitchen Sadie's eyes landed on the baby in the room. Slowly the two walked over to the crowd and Sadie said, [color=lightpink]"Aww. She's so cute."[/color] [@Demonic Angel][@Wick][@Belle][@LPFan]