[quote=@Ginger Kollie] [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JGtepHxy7DU/VctSxLPUIKI/AAAAAAAABLU/DqJUChodw2g/s1600/shutterstock_282891467.jpg[/img][/center] [h1]Estal Webb[/h1] [b]Age:[/b] 19 Years Old [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Status:[/b] Newcomer [b]Personality:[/b] For someone with the ability to heal, you’d have thought that she’d be the social and caring type. However, that is not the case with Estal. She cares for the select few who have earned her trust, everyone else? Fuck ‘em. She is not a social bunny by any means, requiring time alone in order to gather her thoughts. This has led to her becoming quite the withdrawn and private individual. She does not like people knowing her weaknesses, or her past, and takes intrusions and nosy busybodies to be a threat she’d rather avoid. Estal is intensely loyal to those who have earned her trust and respect, and is willing to risk everything for their safety. She is thick-skinned and can very well take a beating, although her healing abilities can only go so far, as a betrayal from someone she cares about is bound to send her spiralling. Her protectiveness over her select few have proven to be a hindrance to her well-being, since she is more then ready to take someone on in a fiery explosion of blind rage. Her gutsiness in these situation may fool some to believe she actually has any fighting skills - she doesn’t, but that doesn’t stop her trying to defend what is hers. She is young, and thus has a lot to learn in the art of self-control. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Cell Manipulation (Wound Transfer, Regeneration and Life Absorption)[/i] [b]Healing Others (Wound Transferral)[/b] Estal can heal others by transferring their wounds onto herself. By doing so, she inflicts the same pain felt by the wound, any damage, either internal or external it has caused. Once the wound(s) have transferred onto her, she then begins to regenerate herself. [i]Limitations[/i] - She is essentially inflicting herself with the wounds of others, so the process can be extremely painful. - If she transfers serious wounds onto herself and doesn’t have time to regenerate, she can die. - In order to heal someone, she must be touching them throughout the healing. Her powers do not work through inanimate objects/substances (such as glass/windows) or clothing. She must have skin to skin contact in order to heal someone. - She cannot resurrect the dead. Even if they had just recently died, unless they can be resuscitated, any attempt at healing them would fail. - She cannot heal a wound which is embedded with a foreign object, such as an impalement, or a bullet wound with the bullet still inside. The object must come out in order for the wound to heal and transfer onto herself. This is also the case with her own injuries. If she is shot, the bullet must come out or she will not heal. - Although her own healing is accelerated, for reasons unknown, transferred wounds take much longer to heal then injuries of her own. While injuries to herself take a matter of minutes to heal, transferred injuries take a matter of hours. - She can only heal illnesses caused by trauma. Estal cannot heal auto-immune diseases or diseases caused by pathogens, however, she can heal any symptoms that occur that involve the body’s tissues (for example, if a pathogen caused open sores, she would be able to heal the open sores, not the pathogen). - For loss of limbs, if the limb is placed and connected to the open tissue, she may be able to heal it. This would involve the loss of her own limb, which would have to be placed against her in order for it to regenerate properly. She cannot grow another limb for herself, or others. - Transferring injuries can take it’s toll and cause her to fall unconscious. She needs time and rest to regenerate, especially concerning transferred wounds. - In theory, she may be able to transfer the wounds of someone onto someone other then herself. However, she has yet to try. [b]Healing Herself (Regeneration)[/b] Estal is able to heal injuries that she has acquired at a extremely accelerated rate, provided she has time in order to regenerate. [i]Limitations[/i] - Healing time depends on the type of injury. Bone takes longer to heal then tissue. A sutured would heals faster then a open one. Healing time ranges from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the wound and whether it was transferred. - Even though her healing is accelerated, she does requires time in order to heal, so any injury which is too severe, she will die from. This includes, but is not limited to, gunshots to the head, being set on fire, dismemberment, etc. So, she is by no means immortal. - Healing herself and others is exceptionally exhausting and thus requires rest in order to regenerate properly. - She ages normally, and cannot heal the effects of ageing. - She feels pain as much as the average person. [b]Life Absorption [/b] Just like she can use her body to heal others, she can also use others to heal herself. A power that she found accidentally, she is able to drain the energy of others in order to speed up the regeneration process. However, she now knows she doesn’t have to be injured in order to use this ability. It takes around 20 seconds to drain someone to death. Those drained tend to feel weak and collapse. [i]Limitations[/i] - It is extremely dangerous to even attempt. She has little control over how much energy she drains from someone and finds it nearly impossible to stop once she has started. Perhaps she may be able to control this power in the future, but for now, attempts are likely to end with fatal consequences. - The power is temperamental and can activate unintentionally subjected to strong emotions. Once she has started, she is unable to stop. - She can only use this ability while touching someone. The ability stops once contact is lost. She can only absorb life from living beings, such as humans and animals. This is what I've got so far, what do you think about her abilities? Let me now about any changes, they shall be prompt. Do I need to include a history as well, or can that be left for the IC? [/quote] Everything looks neato torpedo. History inclusion is your choice, I always like to hear at least a little blurb, but I have no problems with IC revelation.