Nervous was probably the best word to explain Jack upon boarding the plane. His first trip through the air, and a damn long one at that. He had not been looking forward to the experience, and he was certainly looking forward to it a hell of a lot less considering he would be alone on the flight. Throughout the entire boarding process, though he smiled, the facade was broken by his shifty eyes and shaking hands. On taking his seat, he made the acquaintance of a sweet sounding woman -something in her accent was foreign, but Jack wasn't entirely sure from where. The first words he heard from her was a question -something about whether or not he had flown before. Jack had clenched his hands tightly when he realized the question was more than likely prompted by the shivering in his fingers. Itching at his leg, he had told her that he had of course flown before, but her chuckle had shown him that she wasn't entirely convinced. The up until takeoff, the two got to know each other. Kumiko was her name -she was from Tokyo, but had been visiting family in Minnesota before coming back up to Anchorage for the flight. Apparently Kumiko's family got around quite a bit, although Jack wasn't even sure how possible that really was. Despite Jack's earlier anxiety about the flight, talking with Kumiko soothed his fears quite effectively -to the point where Jack hadn't even noticed the takeoff. A couple hours at most passed, before Kumiko suggested Jack get some sleep, and did the same herself. Though Jack was able to drift off into the clutches of sleep, it was an uneasy sleep. Time and time again, Jack woke in a panic, sure that the plane was about to crash. Waking up the third time, he found Kumiko's head resting on his shoulder, and he fell into the clutches of sleep again, now more deeply as he realized just how silly his fears of a plane crash were. A blanket of slumber fell over Jack's mind, numbing him to the outside. [i][b][center]AAAAAAUUGGGGH[/center][/b][/i] [right][b][i]EVERYBODY GET OFF THE GODDAMNED PLANE! [/i][/b][/right] [i][b]OH MY GOD[/b][/i] [center][i][b]HEY! IS ANYONE ELSE ALIVE?! [/b][/i][/center] The cacophony of misery in the air mingled with the stinging heavy smell of smoke and blood that filled the plane, and roused Jack from his slumber. His awakening was slow at first -narrow and blurry vision showed him nothing but the black and red blur of deadly flames that tread ever closer and closer with crackling footsteps. As the world around him grew only more chaotic, Jack was shaken more roughly into action. Furious fingers fumbled with his seat belt momentarily, before a click signaled his freedom. A look crossed his face similar to that of a man who realized he left the stove on at home, and he turned to the seat next to him. He shook Kumiko perhaps a bit too roughly -she couldn't be dead, he was sure that he saw her take in a breath. Attempt after attempt failed to rouse her, and the gentle brush of heat against his back warned Jack that he was out of time. He let out an angry shout, before accepting her death -perhaps her head resting in the seat just behind the rest of her body should've been his first indication of such. Almost ripping the door off of the overhead compartment in his anger, Jack took a two handed hold on the tweed material of his suitcase as he rushed -or rather, stumbled, away from the ever approaching embrace of the flames. He felt numb, cold, and sore -how very nice it would be to simply sit in the flames and let them warm him. More screams from within the orange curtain shook him from the trance like state, and he continued his unsteady limp towards the back, and other survivors. A younger white woman, a man of similar color and age, and an older black man wielding a fire axe. Though a bit late to the party, it seemed, in the chaos he had seen the older man attempt to open the emergency doors to no avail. Not that he didn't trust the man's strength, Jack simply trusted his own strength more. Dropping the suitcase near the feet of the young white man, Jack approached the emergency door with the unbroken lever, and pulled with all the strength he could muster. When he felt the lever shudder rather than budging in the way he had hoped, he backed away, not wishing to break this as well. He growled gutterally, a noise more animal than human, kicking against the cabin wall. He then followed the black man's gaze to the darkness in the back, and took it as a cue to act. Taking hold of the fire extinguisher still lying on the floor, Jack walked with purpose towards the already busted door -had that always been there? Jack could've sworn that area had been a wall earlier in the flight. Not taking the time to second guess himself terribly much, Jack simply moved, shoving the broken door aside. Flickering light from the wall of orange and red approaching from the front -or what was once the center of the plane, illuminated the inside of the chamber just enough for Jack to make out a small table with a sink of some kind, and something on the floor. He stumbled inside, dropping the fire extinguisher in the corner as he leaned against the table. He had had high hopes for escape through this James Bond secret chamber, and it appeared to only be a dead end. "Shit. Fuck. Fucking goddamn shit."