Sans dug into his food as Frisk and Papyrus chattered a bit, savoring every delicious bite. Man, maybe he should get Frisk to give Paps and Undyne lessons, she could really cook. But... there was something more to it than just the good food. The atmosphere was lighthearted, there was no tension hanging around any of them, and he hadn't had any nightmares. Stars, this was just like-- "[i]So I uh... had a pretty interesting dream last night.[/i]" He stopped stuffing his face at that, shifting his gaze to his favorite human with interest. Huh, seems like Frisk didn't have any nightmares either, otherwise she wouldn't be talking about her dreams. It was another one of those unspoken agreements they had, don't ask and don't tell. Both of their nightmares would only serve to draw a stake between their friendship, and would probably end up in another reset if the subject were breeched, so they left it untouched and unworried about. Still, it was nice to hear her opening up, especially when everything was going so right this morning. Sans listened keenly for more, maybe a bit too hungry for the details, but as she finally came out with it, he nearly dropped his fork. All of them on the surface? Heh. That... sounded more like a memory than a dream. Even through all the rests, he would never, couldn't, forget the first time he breathed in fresh air. Watching his first sunset. Stargazing. It.... It had all been so beautiful, and through the timelines, the memory of it, those blissful few days on the surface, he'd held them close. He'd wished and dreamed and hoped to go back to it. He wanted to see it all again. Somewhere in his train of thought, Sans' gaze had fallen to his plate, completely missing the look from Frisk. He smiled as she described it. Her voice was so warm, he could almost feel the remembered heat of the sun warming his bones. He smiled absently, lost in the memories of those short few days on the surface. He really wanted to go back. But not alone, he wanted to go back like this, him, Paps, and Frisk all living together like this. Happy, carefree, and with those warm fuzzy feelings Sans felt building up in his bones when he was with her. God he wanted it all to be perfect again. He didn't even notice notice that a single stray tear had slipped down his cheekbone until Papyrus wiped a glove over it with concern etched in his long face,"BROTHER! WHATEVER IS THE MATTER? ARE YOU STILL NOT FEELING WELL? SHOULD I CALL ALPHYS TO COME CHECK YOU OUT AGAIN??" Sans rubbed his eyes sockets with a chuckle, shaking his head,"nah, bro. 'm just really happy, ya know? me 'n alphys are working hard to break down the barrier, and we're almost there, and then this morning is just so perfect...", he looked over to Frisk with a smile, a real one,"we'll get outta here soon. i can feel it. and then we can watch the sunset, and the stars, and the seasons, everything." Unable to stop smiling, Sans finished his food quickly, his soul glowing through his shirt in pure joy. Once done, he stood up and took his plate to the sink, even going so far as to rinse it off before placing it in the soapy water Frisk had poured earlier. Man, could this day get any better?