If you're still accepting interest, I might be in for this. Your intro was just cheesy enough but somehow took itself seriously- almost like actual Power Rangers stuff. (Though my brain's jumping to Beetle Borgs for some reason. Probably because of the ghost.) I'm interested in Fright Night Ranger Blue or Fright Night Ranger Black. Mainly because being able to jump high plus the typical filming angle of jumps in Power Rangers makes me think it'd be ridiculous, and not really that useful, but in a comedic way. Like jumping over the monster because I was on the wrong side when it turned giant and the Zords are on the other side. Or I could be Fright Night Ranger Yellow, because it's almost equally as silly, but more effective. Scarab Zord Jetpack/Sphinx Zord Body? I personally see Black and/or Blue being a leg/arm type, if not Blue being both legs somehow.