[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/13Vp4rku7pqauQ/giphy.gif[/img] Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic Interacting With: [@ChaoticFox] Charlotte, [@rivaan] Natasha [@Vicier] Syleste, [@Meiyuki] Alyssa, [@Zhaliora] Patricia & [@BeautifulSnow][/center] [hr][hr] Riley leaned herself up against the tree and stared down at Natasha the woman was very suspicious to her and she wasn't willing to trust her, just randomly showing up in town after the attack it just didn't sit well with her. Riley looked back towards Charlotte for a moment as Natasha rambled on to her about the ethics of her job, Riley didn't like someone trying to pry into her own personal life and she wasn't willing to risk her friends for the 'story' that she was writing. Riley crossed her arms over her chest and then started to think about showing the hunter where the fake site of the attack was. [color=lightgreen]"I can show you, but it will have to be a bit later today or something I do have some plans with friends."[/color] Riley was hoping that Natasha would accept it and then turn around and head back into town. [color=lightgreen]"Just meet me at the Bed and Breakfast, say around five o'clock and i'll take you?"[/color] Riley asked, and then she shuddered slightly at the thought of being interviewed, she wasn't going to do it and get the rest of the members of her wolf family into any trouble. [color=lightgreen]"Anyway i'm gonna be going now, I have some plans today."[/color] Riley said as she looked towards Charlotte and smiled slightly towards her. Riley walked up towards Vanessa and leaned over towards her friend and whispered into her ear. [color=lightgreen]"Theres a strange woman here, I don't trust her just keep an eye out on her. I'll come back and lean the mess later."[/color] Riley said as she walked over towards Patricia and smiled softly and gave her a gentle loving hug. [color=lightgreen]"I'll see you later."[/color] Riley smiled and gave Patricia a little wink before heading over to her dirt bike, and hoped on and started it up. Riley quickly turned her dirt bike around and started driving down the dirt road back towards town and where her house was, as the roads slowly went from dirt to concrete. Once Riley was back at her house, she noticed the RV parked in the driveway and had a feeling that it was the woman at the lake and slightly grumbled to herself. Riley took out her phone and decided to text Alyssa since she hadn't talked to her friend in a week. [quote][color=lightgreen]"Hey Lyssa, what are you doing later?"[/color][/quote] Riley hit send and then started to search through her contacts and pulled up Syleste's number to give her friend a call as she remembered her having practice earlier that she totally forgot about and felt bad that she didn't go and see her friend play.