Opening this forum up because well we all had that frustrating moment where you get a new RPing partner and they are totally wanting to do something frustrating. Or they themselves are. So share a story or discuss one. This is a little rant of mine. [hider=My Hider] I currently just started up with someone new, I thought 'Hey, lets get some more people to rp with because why not?' Well I think i made a bit of a mistake. Or at least we aren't in sync with our styles. I simply went along with their request, after all I hit them up and it's rude to act like any different (At least this is how I feel). But it's getting way out of control where I feel like its not going to work out. It's like they want to rush it, or half ass everything and start really fast, where i like to ease my way in and then pick up the pace. I understand the terms and the idea, despite them vaguely describing it. All I know is that it was an idea from an discontinued RP they had. NoW it's to the point they don't want to work with me and it's starting to feel like a chore the anything fun. I try my best to work with my partners but they wish to have it according to how they want and yet they let me take the lead. I don't know it thats fair considering I'm a bit confused by what they want, and even asking them seems to set them off. I totally get that people have their style, but if you're refusing to work with the other and understand that they're trying then I feel bad for the people who put up with that. It's pretty harsh seeing that something you like doing as a hobby gets turned into something completely frustrating. [/hider]