[color=lightpink][h1][b][center]Sadie Hill[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/abreslin/zombieland/abzomb49.jpg[/img][/hider][hr] [color=lightpink]"Oh, hi. I'm Sadie and this is my brother Micky. I have no idea who that man is,"[/color] Sadie replied as she gestured towards Chris. [color=lightpink]"We ended up getting brought in at the same time though. Our older brother, Alex, went on a scavenging mission with a girl named Erin. They seemed to know each other, but I don't remember her. Umm, Micky and I were looking for something to do. Is there anything you need help with?"[/color] Just then another man came in and mentioned it was the leader's birthday and requested a cake be made. [color=lightpink]"Ooh, could we help with that? I love baking and I use to make cupcakes all the time.[/color] [@Wick][@LPFan][@Demonic Angel][@Belle]