[center][color=blueviolet][h1]Roran Foley[/h1][/color] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/5621ca8f3bf0de3419682665868d34eb/tumblr_ny9ot70X141rrhhnko2_500.gif[/img] [u]Location:[/u] Where do you think? [u]Interactions:[/u] Uh... the room? I guess? [hr][hr][/center] [color=blueviolet]"Well fuck, am I late?"[/color] Naturally, the first word for Roran to utter in the atrium was a profanity. It was whispered while sticking his head through the door, but still, a profanity. As was normal for him. As it happened, he was late - he'd missed the clipped speech by Agent Hill, and the majority of introductions. He did actually catch the tail end of Eva's, which was somewhat disconcerting as she described swords and battlefields. [color=blueviolet][i]"Jesus Christ - and here I thought I'd be safe in this place."[/i][/color] Well, the girl seemed to have a sunny disposition, and with the lack of swords (visible ones, anyway) in the room, Roran entered fully, removing his sunglasses as he did and wincing ever so slightly as the light hit his eyes. The fluorescents overheard weren't that bright, but suddenly taking shades off kind of felt like any light was punching you in the face. Especially the sun - God, did he have a love/hate relationship with the burning ball of gas in the sky. Looking around the room as he entered, he noticed more than a few different sort of people. Simply by smell alone - [i]no, it's not creepy[/i], but yeah, the entire room was like an... international buffet of smells? Nope, bad analogy - humans are friends, not food Roran. There were about four aliens in the place - one being the girl who had just been gushing over swords, another guy who had pointy ears? Huh. A few others smelt different; maybe mutants? And then some smelt normal - the girl with the metal arm, (HOLY Fucksticks that's awesome), the guy skulking in the shadows at the back of the room, one guy who looked like he could bench press a truck... yup. Nice little bunch of diverse heroes. Finding his seat, Roran cleared his throat and looked at the room with a smile; may as well get introductions over with. And there wouldn't be any holding information back either; if he was going to be working with these people, they deserved to know just what kind of freak he was. The guarantee of not eating them would probably come as a relief to everyone too. [color=blueviolet]"Hiya guys! I'm Roran - also late. Sorry about that."[/color] He began with a low chuckle, Irish accent coming through nice and strong. He hoped to God one of these yanks didn't mistake it for a Scottish one (No, you'd be surprised how many people get the two mixed up, it's incredible.) [color=blueviolet]"Uhh... technically speaking I'm a mutant. Mutated genes and all that, you know how it works. But the whole truth is that I'm actually part-Vampire. Super-strength, speed, fangs, and all that Dracula shit goes on. Well, I'm only [i]part[/i] vampire, so I'm not y'know, going to be ripping throats out anytime soon."[/color] He paused then, running a hand through his hair somewhat awkwardly. [color=blueviolet]"Well... the blood drinking part is kinda necessary for me to stay sane, but SHIELD keeps me well-supplied. So, basically, don't worry about it. And feel free to ask any awkward or stupid questions about it - I'm very happy to answer them."[/color] At that Roran finally took his seat with a sigh of relief - hopefully no-one in the room was sharpening their stakes. At least he was honest, right?