The red-haired woman by the statue behind X8-11 continued staring down the road as he stood in the doorway. She seemed to pay him no mind as he'd approached and hadn't even looked at him as he passed her. Within the manor however, the figures seated around the table acknowledged his appearance in varying ways. "Courser at the door." Sky mumbled, not taking her eyes off the small circular screen as she contemplated whether to move her knight or her bishop. Shin-mu, at the end of the table, turned her head ever so slightly, nodding politely in the newcomers direction before turning her attention back towards the ocean. "Yes well," Zack said, turning to address the stranger, "You did ask for Synths. Hardly surprising that at least one of the Institutes Hunter-Killer models would be drawn here. So..." He said, sizing up the Synth hunter and paying no mind to the bloodstained lantern, "Did you come here hoping to reign in some desperate runaways or are you here for the job?" [@Azazaa]