Kat shook her head slightly at Jenna. [color=6ecff6]"It doesn't help to keep it in. The nightmares don't go away. Trust me. At least you got to kill the bastard. Mine is still alive as far as I know,"[/color] she said in a low voice. Gracie, blissfully unaware of the important talk going on around her, bounced up and down giggling at everyone and babbling in her baby talk. It made Kat wonder sometimes what she was saying. [color=f49ac2]"Da!"[/color] Gracie announced when she saw Matt, giving him a slobbery kiss before he left. It wasn't quite 'Da-da' but she was getting closer. Suddenly two random kids appeared out of nowhere. How long had they been here? The girl, who couldn't have been bigger than 12, approached and started fawning over Gracie. The baby, not knowing this new person, looked unsure for a moment. She studied the new face with a serious look for about 2 full minutes before breaking into a smile. That meant she had accepted and approved this new person. Kat nodded at the suggestion that she show the kids around. [color=6ecff6]"Come on guys," [/color]she said, leading them out of the kitchen. She showed them most of the habitable areas and avoided the rooms that had been destroyed in the attack. [color=6ecff6]"Never go outside by yourselves, even if it's just stepping outside the door. Always have someone with you. If you get hungry during the day and want food, let someone know. We're not going to let you go hungry, but we want to keep track of food stores,"[/color] she explained to them. [color=6ecff6]"Same thing with water, both for drinking and bathing. I'm not saying don't drink or bathe, just keep track of how much you use so we can replinish it."[/color] She stopped and kneeled beside the little girl, so she could look her in the eye. [color=6ecff6]"And promise me something. If anyone, [b]anyone[/b] touches you in a bad way or makes you feel uncomfortable... I don't care who it is, you come to me or Matt or Nikki. Okay?"[/color] She had been around Sadie's age when she had dealt with shit no child should have to go through. Kat would be damned if something similar happened to a child under her watch. She hadn't been able to save Jenna and that was eating at her more than she wanted to admit. She looked at the boy. [color=6ecff6]"The same goes for you. You guys are going to be safe here. And if anyone threatens that safety, they'll deal with me."[/color]