4pm Day 11 [center][center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center][/center] Nikki walked into the kitchen. Jenna saw her just in time to put a cover over what she was doing. Nikki came in and saw Jenna's puffy eyes and bruised face and automatically hugged her. She saw Chris there helping in the kitchen and asked [color=f49ac2]"Is he helping you?"[/color] Jenna nodded. [color=f7976a]"Yeah, why?"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"You'll see."[/color] Nikki grabbed the P.A.microphone and announced a school wide mandatory meeting in ten minutes except for the guards. Everyone was to meet in the cafeteria. As people filed in Nikki had not realized how many they still had. She was proud of what they had accomplished. She was also scared of what they were going to have to face over and over to stay alive. Matt walked in and told Nikki [color=00aeef]"The guard knows what is going on."[/color] Nikki nodded and urged everyone to take a seat. She smiled at them all and then she announced [color=f49ac2]"Yesterday's attack was the result of a spy amongst us. He left yesterday before the attack just up and deserted his post on guard outside." [/color]She let that sink in and heard some of the anger from the crowd. [color=f49ac2]"We have learned who we believe is the group responsible and we have a plan. They are almost all marked by a specific tattoo. Our guard chased some of the fighters down and we were able to dispose of them after serious questioning. They have about 50 fighters."[/color] The shock and hushed tones were audible. Nikki continued [color=f49ac2]"I and our best fighters are going to go on a surprise attack on them tonight."[/color] Nikki saw Jenna come out of the kitchen and scan the area for Jon. Nikki saw Kat and Matt and saw him grab her hand in his reassuringly. James opted to lighten the mood a little [color=0054a6]"Ah come on Nikki 50? that's nothing for you why do you need backup?"[/color] That made Nikki and many others laugh. [color=f49ac2]"I'm not taking all of the men and I need every person left here to be on defense of the school. Everyone who knows how to shoot will be manning a spot. Jenna and Kat both know how to shoot. I think most of the men here do and those that don't will be getting a quick lesson. I'm only taking about ten or so with me." [/color]There was a gravity that shut the room up instantly. [color=f49ac2]"So it's at this point that I will ask for volunteers. It's going to be rough and I'm sure some of us won't make it back if things don't go well."[/color] Matt kissed Kat's forehead and walked up next to Nikki. James, Eric and Darius were quick to follow. Jon of course stepped up and the fear on Jenna's face was frightening. A few more men chose to stand with them and when they were done there was 14 or so. [color=f49ac2]"Get some rest guys we will be leaving at 9:30 tonight."[/color] Nikki headed into the gym. She had asked James to get everyone set up to fight at the school. Matt came in and watched her warming up and loosening her body for the coming fight. The familiarity of it all made him smile a bit. The other guys followed her in without a word and started to warm up and practice their fighting moves. She looked over after realizing it wasn't just one or two of them but all of them. She didn't know what to say but the brightness in her eyes said it all to anyone paying attention. Nikki walked over to Matt [color=f49ac2]"Matt, I want you to run the school's defenses here."[/color] Matt's expression changed to one of indecision and disagreement. [color=00aeef]"Nikki, I'm not leaving you to fight without me. I'm military! We don't send our little sisters into battle like that!" [/color]She had known he would be stubborn about it. [color=f49ac2]"I'm asking because you ARE military. You are the best person to lead the defenses for when they send some of the fighters here. You and I both know there will be fighting here too. I need to know that you are protecting Kat, Grace and Jenna. Our people know you and they listen to you. If I'm not here you need to lead them. You know I'm right."[/color] Matt was pissed off but he knew she was right. [color=f49ac2]"Look, if you are here I won't worry. I can't be distracted and win."[/color] Matt muttered a string of curses under his breath but eventually nodded unhappily. Matt went to the cafeteria where James was working with the others. Matt sent him to Nikki in the gym and he took over teaching. [@kurai assassin][@lpfan][@Alexfangtalon][@belle][@Demonic Angel]