[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Gwen Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/HdlPiBXC8DrIA/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Gwen's House Interacting With: Everyone[/center][hr][hr][color=0099ff]"Then you should have dressed for the weather!"[/color] Gwen giggled, hugging Bernie back tightly. They'd been best friends since forever. She was allowed to tease Bernie. Gwen then glanced up, watching Connor walk in. He looked as adorable as ever in his Batman shirt, his phone out with Pokemon Go pulled out. With his quip about the eevee, Gwen pulled her own phone out, opened the app, and showed him her pokemon collection. She had about twenty eeves. [color=0099ff]"This place is crawling with them, no bloody idea why,"[/color] Gwen explained. [color=0099ff]"They're more common than rattatas here."[/color] She pointed her hands towards the living room, indicating to Connor that he could go there and wait for the others to arrive. Her lips pursed as she reminded herself that Yao would be coming over. She wouldn't exactly be upset if her father showed up and dragged him away in handcuffs. He and Cass were the two of the group most likely to go to prison. The door opened, and Gwen sighed. [color=0099ff]"Chivalry really is dead,"[/color] she muttered bitterly, as Jay walked inside. He was wearing a tux and carrying a violin case, and Gwen rolled her eyes slightly, understanding the intention. It wasn't too bad for a cheap fix. [color=0099ff]"Thanks, yours isn't too shabby,"[/color] Gwen replied, right after Jay complimented them all on their costumes. Her smile vanished as the doorbell rang incessantly, and in a moment, the door swung open. Yao stepped through, and Gwen let out a sigh of frustration. [color=0099ff]"One more comment like that and you're done here,"[/color] Gwen threatened. She had already talked with her father earlier, and he agreed that if she wanted anyone to leave, to just give him a call. Having your cop father show up in the police car, lights blazing, tended to be very effective in terms of kicking people out of the house. It wouldn't be the first time she'd called her father on Yao, either. Blaring music, of course, only caused her irritation to increase. [i]Cass.[/i] She didn't mind Cass as much, finding some of her antics amusing. But peeking through the window by the door, she saw Cass sitting in her car, half of it on her lawn. Her mother was [i]not[/i] going to like that. Gwen had no problem telling her mother who was responsible--but admittedly, informing her parents that Yao had done it would provide more personal amusement. [color=0099ff]"Sure, I'll tell him Yao did that,"[/color] Gwen snickered, after hearing Cass' hinted confession about vandalizing the school. Cass entered, running her mouth as always. Gwen rolled her eyes about the costume comment, tempted to take the staff and gently hit Cass over the head with it. However, she had to stick to her own rules--she couldn't force the others into obeying the law in the utmost respect if she didn't. Bashing a friend with a staff wasn't exactly legal. Locking the door up tightly, Gwen shut the lights off in the other parts of the house, leaving them on only in the living room. There was no need to waste electricity. [color=0099ff]"Well...My only rule is that Yao isn't allowed to suggest anything. His suggestions have to be filtered by Bernie for sanity's sake. As for what we could do...We could play truth or dare?"[/color]