[Color=lightgreen][center][h1]Clara Jekyll Moon[/h1][/center][/color] [I][Color=lightgreen]” Oh you have no idea how much Erin has changed. Now that I'm up and around your about to find out.”[/color][/I] Clara thought to herself as a chuckle escaped her lips. [Color=lightgreen]” Oh buddy you got it all wrong. You're not spending more then a night here. Not to mention there are going to be rules set down so shut up and listen.”[/color] the darker half slapped Alex's hand away. Her green eye meet his as she turned sideways, a troublemaker's grin upon her face, before the teenager pushed him out of the way. [Color=lightgreen]” One. There will be no contact with Erin. If there is I will personally kick you out of those gates in the middle of the night and throw you and your family our there on your own without any gear. Second if your in the same room walk out and wait until she's completely done in there, wait for a few hours, then walk back inside. Third Nikki doesn't make decisions for Erin. I do. I say who is safe and who isn't and right now none of you are safe.”[/color] The young woman smirked as she walked away. Hopefully she had gotten her point across and if not then the three of them would meet the same fate as everyone else that was out there. Nikki had no right saying that someone had to go with the lighter half. It wouldn't have been the first time the girl had been out by herself considering that she had snuck outside just the night before making sure to come back before sunrise. The only one that had indeed caught Clara was Haru yet he didn't scold her or even looked for their fearless leader. The woman was a joke any way. Acting as if she knew what was best for everyone just to turn tail and run on the day of the attack. The darker half scoffed as she thought about that day once again, replaying where the adult jumped into the basement in order to play hero, only to order her around. The young woman toward the gate and locked it with a metal bar before before the guy could even have a chance to follow. She walked down the street ignoring the person who was to stick with her. Hopefully by the time the man undid the lock then she would be at least half way up the street. [@alexfangtalon]