[color=lightpink][h1][b][center]Sadie Hill[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/abreslin/zombieland/abzomb49.jpg[/img][/hider][hr] Sadie was a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to help with the cake, but was satisfied that she'd be allowed to make cupcakes tomorrow. She turned to Micky who had a slight frown on his face. The younger brother hated when he got roped into helping Sadie bake. He always tried to harden the flour and throw them at anyone in sight. When Jenna asked Kat to give them a tour the two were already starting to feel happier. Only human interaction they had had were the three of them and an unfortunate encounter early on. It was nice that these people were being so kind and welcoming despite having no idea who they were. At the mention of bathing both kids got happier again. Neither had been able to wash up properly since the outbreak started. When the talk got really serious both Sadie and Micky wore similar expressions of worry. Sadie wanted to be able to trust these people, but didn't want to get Alex in any kind of trouble. Sadie quickly glanced over to Micky then turned to Kat and resolved to say, [color=lightpink]"Actually, there is something I'm kinda scared about. I think that-"[/color] As Sadie was speaking Nikki's voice sounded through the PA system. Quickly, Micky grabbed Sadie by the wrist and darted away from Kat. Until they were a good distance away Micky stopped running and pulled out the sketchbook from earlier, [color=lightpink]"What was that about, Micky? We need to talk to these people."[/color] Micky lifted up the sketchbook so Sadie could read what he thought, [i]But what if they decide to throw him out.[/i] [color=lightpink]"They wouldn't do that. They'd try and help him. These people are nice. I think we can trust them."[/color] Quickly Micky went back to the sketchbook for a reply, [i]How can you be so sure? I mean the way he attacked those men.[/i] Sadie sighed and nodded her head, [color=lightpink]"Well, there isn't much we can do know. That woman is gonna ask what I was gonna say and I won't lie to her. I'll just ask her to keep it a secret."[/color] When the two seemed to be satisfied with what they were going to do they made their way to the meeting. The idea of a spy heavily surprised Sadie. She thought so far that everyone she knew here could be trusted. When they mentioned that the bandits had about 50 fighters all Sadie could think about was that Alex and that girl were out there alone. What if something happened? The prospect of fighting at the school with some of the fighters gone scared her to. Sadie just hoped everyone would be safe tonight. At the conclusion of the meeting Sadie and Micky just stood still not knowing what to do. Sadie stared at Kat waiting for her to make eye contact, but shook her head no in the woman's direction. When Matt walked in Sadie motioned for Micky to stay put and she walked up to Matt and said, [color=lightpink]"Umm-I-I know how to shoot a gun."[/color] [@Demonic Angel][@Wick][@Belle][@LPFan][@kurai assassin]