[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjM5OGYzOC5RMmh5YVhNZ1IzSmxaVzVpWlhKbi4w/death-star.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][hider=Chris Greenberg] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmouw9BVMAQYH_b.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkYEELWXEAEgP0B.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] While still peeling potatoes Jenna started feeling bad so she requested everyone to leave her alone for a moment as she went out for a second. Chris attempted to go at her and ask her if she's okay but just as he was about to do that another guy appeared. Chris eyeballed him as he passed him and went to Jenna. Chris took a sneak peek but didn't like what he saw as he imidieatly turned back to potato peeling with a slight a anger as he started peeling faster and faster. It seemed that Jenna already had someone in her life. He had to get rid of the thought of being with her fast before it would start eating away at him. He had too much on his mind anyway. He imidieatly calmed down as Nikki appeared. After making that PA announcement, Chris put down the knife and headed to the cafeteria along with everybody else. It seemed that Nikki was planning a counter attack against those that attacked the high school yesterday. For a second he felt like raising his hand but he imidieatly gave up on the thought. Afterall he didn't knew these people well enough to put his life on the line for them. However 14 of them stepped up and decided to join Nikki in the assault. He saw Jenna's freightened look and despite his earlier promise he went to her and gently put his hands on her shoulders. [color=1a7b30]"Don't worry! Some of us will remain here, including myself. If those bastards even think about attacking here it's gonna be the last thing they do. If you're worried about your boyfriend though, i'm sure he's in capable hands."[/color] Said Chris as he patted Jenna's hair and then went off of the cafeteria. [color=1a7b30]"FUCK!"[/color] He cursed as he formed his hands into fists and went to his room. He really hoped he had a chance with Jenna but after he saw her with that guy it was all too obvious for him and he wasn't going to insist anymore.