[center][@Forsythe][@pyroman][@rocketrobie2][/center] [i]"Yeah."[/i] Prism smiled, guns still pointed. [i]"Well, considering that I was the one who made the beacon in the first place a few days ago, grouped up the four of us, and pretty much started this whole thing, I'd say."[/i] Cyclonus seemed to be slightly puzzled at what the wrecker responded with as he lifts a metal eyebrow at her. [color=662d91][b]"Several days ago?"[/b][/color] he asks curiously, [color=662d91][b]"Surely if you activated it that long ago, I would've detected it around the same time. After all, Iacon shouldn't be that far away no?"[/b][/color] He pauses as he then issues a sigh, as he looks over to their destination. [color=662d91][b]"But that doesn't really matter now... I guess I'll be tagging along with you guys for the meantime."[/b][/color]