5:15pm Day 11 [center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center] Nikki made sure her muscles were ready then she looked at the clock when she heard Jenna announce an early dinner to start at 5:30 because of tonight's events. She looked at her group and they all filed back into the cafeteria The guardsmen that were staying here to fight and defend came in to eat first then they switched and those going out to fight came in so they could eat and get a nap in before time to leave. Matt stopped her in the hall to let her know what his plans were for placement. After she nodded they walked into the cafeteria to see a three layer birthday cake. The room was dark and filled with people that she worried about surviving the night and yet here they were celebrating her birthday as if it was an ordinary day in the old world. Nikki punched Matt in the arm again. This time he grabbed her and hugged her. [color=00aeef]"Love ya sis."[/color] Jenna came over and hugged her too. After the teasing and laughing Nikki blew out the candles and made her wish. It wasn't a traditional birthday wish but it was an important one. She wished for success and as few casualties on their side as possible. Once that was done Jenna served dinner. After dinner Nikki went to lay down for a nap. Eric joined her but slept in the other bed. She was still upset with him a little bit and so he was keeping his distance. Jenna was spending her time waiting for Jon to show up after dinner was done. She had listened to Matt and he seemed to have a decent grip on where they needed defense. James had made a great find. Matt's eyes lit up when he saw it. They had bows and arrows. The arrows were blunt tipped but they could fix that. He vaguely remembered Nikki taking Archery in gym. He had teased her relentlessly for taking that instead of cooking. Matt went directly to Sadie, Mickey and Haru and showed them what he wanted them to do to make the new arrowheads they needed. [@alexfangtalon][@Demonic Angel][@belle][@garth][@lpfan][@kurai assassin]