"That must have been nice. I've dreamed of living out there, living off the land, but I don't know if I could. I know how to live in the desert, here I'm quite ignorant to how things work." Elann nodded to his welcome and noticed his shift of attention as well as the joy in her bond. It was curious to her because she thought Noah to be in the kitchen. "That sounds wonderful. I've only eaten in a couple restaurants before, well, really only one, but the other I was in. I just didn't eat." She grinned and shrugged. "Well...I'll leave you to your reading. I'm going to go pester Aimee about breakfast and see if I can help in any way." While she had just sat, the fact she sat on the edge of the chair had already communicated her ease to leave. It was to show him she was giving him the respect to spend time with him, but also was wanting to see what else was going on. Only if he bid her farewell would she stand and head into the kitchen so as not to be rude. Knowing her husband, if his father was anything like him, he would appreciate the shortness of their conversation and would even come to appreciate her for it more in the longrun. While Isabella may have told him that she was a talker at times, it didn't appear so to him.