[quote=@bloonewb] [@Aristo] I asked a while ago about the rituals and ceremonies in the Ambrusian religion, and I'd like to ask again now. What kinds of rituals and ceremonies are in the Ambrusian religion? [/quote] Sorry I overlooked this. For starters, there is a Christmas-equivalent that celebrates the birth of Saint Fiorentino, and an Easter-like vigil recognizing the day he passed on to God's fold. I purposefully wanted to leave the nuances of religion vague, as players will likely have regional differences in the ways they observe the rituals and services; with the nitty-gritty of practice largely left off-screen, secondary to the main story and characters within. We'll call the Christmas-equivalent "Day of Conception," or "Conception Day." And let's call the Easter-equivalent "The Passing," or "Passing Day." Visually, imagine Fiorentinan mass much like you would a Catholic one in a great city like Rome - an introductory rite, reading of scripture, rites preparing the altar, dialogue between the congregation and the priests in psalms, concluding prayers, etc. There isn't a communion equivalent, since Fiorentino didn't have a Last Supper-type of gig. Picture choirboys, braziers billowing incense as they swing back and forth, lots of gold and red, droning chants, yadda, yadda.