[hider=Yuushuu Yuudaina] [b]Name[/b]: Yuushuu Yuudaina [hider=Appearance ] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/a26d/i/2013/305/3/d/marine_one_piece_by_ninfanocturna-d6sl8sp.jpg[/img] The above image was roughly accurate so far as physical appearance went a few years back, though by now Yuudaina is more tanned and tends to be more clean-shaven than the depicted individual. Similarly, his uniform is a lot more formal: he dresses in a simple white suit with cyan trim and tie and black shoes, plus the standard JUSTICE jacket worn over his shoulders like a cape and steel gauntlets like those of a knight on each hand, extending up to his elbow and with spikes on each knuckle. [/hider] [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 208 cm (6' 10"), 122 kg (265 lbs) [b]Age[/b]: 33 [b]Personality[/b]: Despite a fair amount of pampering, as one might expect of somebody born into a Noble family, Yuudaina's personality is heavily drawn from his time spent in the Marines. He values order and calm above most other traits, and is extremely good at remaining focused and rational in high-stress situations, a definite contributor to his rapid rise through the ranks of the Marines. Naturally, he is also a firm believer in the concept of Justice, though in his case, he stands by the notion that said Justice should only be Absolute if the target has done something irredeemably evil, such as raping or murdering an innocent living being; in these cases, he will often push to kill the target as quickly as possible, or at least to subdue them for imprisonment and ideally execution, but if the point of no return has not been crossed, he may well choose to let a pirate go free if they show signs of goodness in their actions, e.g. having redirected money stolen from a bad person toward a more charitable purpose. Still, he has found such cases to be few and far between, and his general dislike of pirates is quite justifiable given what he's seen of their sort. [b]Home Island/Sea[/b]: Loguetown, Polestar Islands, East Blue [b]History[/b]: [CLASSIFIED] [b]Fruit[/b]: Yuudaina himself does not wield any Devil Fruit of his own, citing a desire to remain capable of swimming and ignoring the draining effects of Seastone, for in his mind, only the finest and most powerful of Devil Fruits could offset that disadvantage. However, his weapon, [i]Idaina Ken,[/i] has been "fed" the [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Buki_Buki_no_Mi]Arms-Arms Fruit,[/url] letting it transform from a basic, if oversized and well-crafted, Marine cutlass into just about any weapon Yuudaina desires, ranging from axes to hammers to other types of sword to rifles and even gatling cannons, complete with ammunition in the case of any projectile weapons produced. He has even "taught" the sword to be capable of splitting into two weapons of smaller (though still somewhat larger than usual) size, letting him dual wield weapons such as rapiers, pistols, rifles... really, any weapon he could produce normally, the primary difference simply being size and number, though the form he usually keeps them in is that of a pair of spiked steel gauntlets, as this grants him very easy access to a weapon in either hand at short notice if he is attacked unexpectedly. Furthermore, the nature of the Arms-Arms Fruit is such that with every transformation, any material separated from [i]Idaina Ken[/i] regathers at the transforming weapon itself, be it projectiles fired or shards of a blade, making it shockingly difficult to destroy for a Paramecia "user" without specialised equipment or abilities, or else by simply vaporising the whole thing. [b]Abilities/Race Traits[/b]: [i]Leadership[/i] - Yuudaina is a consummate military leader, and highly capable in situations involving the maneuvering of manifold troops. Furthermore, he understands the value of setting a good example, and will often wade into the fray himself to encourage his soldiers to do the same. [i]Multi-Form Combat[/i] - Thanks to substantial training and the Devil Fruit of his weapon, Yuudaina is extremely capable as a fighter with just about any weapon one can provide - be it blade, bludgeon or bomb, if he knows of it, there is a very good chance that he is at least competent in its use, and likely an expert at that. Furthermore, even without a weapon to hand, he is highly skilled in various forms of boxing, and to a lesser extent quite capable so far as various other forms of unarmed combat go. [i]Physical Power[/i] - Yuudaina's position is backed up by a great degree of physical power as well as skill: through raw strength alone, he is more than capable of lifting entire houses over his head or collapsing their structure down to the last brick with a single punch; he can readily run and strike faster than the eye can see; and his endurance is such that a cannonball to the face would feel more like a pinprick than anything else. [i]Haki[/i] - Yuudaina is very skilled in Busoshoku Haki, being capable of further augmenting his physical abilities by coating his hands and/or [i]Idaina Ken[/i] in it, to produce a much stronger attack that can even damage Logia-type Devil Fruit users. His Kenbunshoku Haki is nothing to sneeze at either, letting him predict attacks with plenty of time to avoid them if he so desires. As for Haoshoku Haki, if he possesses it, he is not aware of its existence yet. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Yuudaina often prefers pummelling foes with his bare hands under normal circumstances, or rather with the gauntlets of [i]Idaina Ken[/i], as most opponents are not powerful enough to warrant any more extreme measures. Should a foe prove more significant, be known as a dangerous character to start with, or else be particularly desired as somebody to get rid of quickly, he will incorporate the full effects of his Busoshoku Haki and the manifold forms of [i]Idaina Ken[/i] into his form, proving to be a foe who is not only very strong, but also extremely difficult to predict, as the style of his combat constantly changes with whatever form his weapon has taken on at any given moment, be it one weapon or two. [b]Ship Positions[/b]: Marine Commodore [b]Bounty[/b]: N/A [/hider] Just a quick character sheet for Yuudaina to help prop up the activity levels in the thread, as well as getting one of Dirk's backstory characters out of the way. It still holds that he's more of an NPC than a full-blown character, though he could certainly be upgraded to full character status if needed. And yes, I did get lazy and just classify his entire history... like a real Marine does. I'll fill that in if people want me to, and/or if I get the time and decide it's worth doing so. Other than that... [@Ira], [@Renny], what do you think?