[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/1d95/f/2009/243/b/f/captain_marvel_banner_by_xer0ne.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Tokyo Shibuya Crossing[/b] Billy had been stunned and stupefied as he stood on the fabled Watchtower, staring down at the surface of the earth. Oh, he had seen the Earth from space a time or two before and it had been breathtaking then. But this...this was different. He was walking in the footsteps of Earth's greatest heroes, staring down at the world from the same point of view, joining their [i]team[/i] along with so many other great heroes... If he didn't have the Courage of Achilles, he might have just fainted! The scene unfolding in Tokyo prompted that reaction for entirely different reasons. A viking behemoth who could take a Kryptonian level punch and barely stumble, hordes of alien-starfish-zombies attacking a crowd of civilians and now a giant telepathic starfish kaijuu straight out of the worst old B-movies brought to horrifying life, speaking directly into his head? [color=red][b]"HOLY...MOLY!"[/b][/color] The others had already sprung to work in the blink of an eye, but things seemed to have mostly gone from bad to worse. Billy itched to fly up there and prevent his newfound friends from becoming the tentacled creature's newest minions and join the fight himself, but there was something he knew needed to be done first. Despite others best efforts the crossing was stilled filled with screaming, panicking civilians. Both Billy's own heart and the Wisdom of Solomon were urging him to get them out of the way and he knew the fight would go easier if they didn't have to worry about innocents in harm's way. The streets had become a thronging mass of people with only the purple starfishes denoting attackers from victims and most of the heroes there were busy fighting or avoiding Starro. carrying out A 100% safe, coordinated evacuation in time would take a miracle or else more manpower than the League and Tokyo combined possessed. Well, unless you were Earth's Mightiest Mortal. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl if not stop outright from Billy's perspective as he walked through the crowd identifying those without Starfish aliens attached to them, picked them up in ones, twos or occasional threes and carried them clear of the fighting. For Captain Marvel this took a decent amount of effort and time, carefully picking up innocent lives, consulting the Wisdom of Solomon for directions to the nearest likely safe place in the area to deposit a large number of people and bringing them over in small groups. The majority of others there would probably just see a red-white-and-gold blur zooming around along with occasional flickers of gold lightning as nearly all civilians without a miniature Starro attached were suddenly deposited safe and sound some distance away in one of Tokyo's many Disaster Preparation Parks. Captain Marvel might not be the Flash, but the Speed of Mercury made for a pretty good imitation. The pre-prepared safe zones within Tokyo had been built to handle widespread disruption and serve as a temporary safe haven for large crowds in situations...well, not exactly like these, but close enough anyways. The park would have been just a lovely local feature at any other time, green and serene and full of life as a refuge of nature in the bustling city. But now it was suddenly filled with a frightened, confused throng of formerly threatened bystanders. Captain Marvel hovered before the massive crowd, using his super strong lungs to be heard as he spoke in nearly perfect and incredibly polite Japanese. [color=red]<<"Everyone, please listen up! The Justice League is here for your protection, but the resulting battle may make the city unsafe. For your own safety please stay in this designated safe area free of falling buildings, debris, and giant alien starfish [i]kaijuu[/i]. It's my understanding that the park is equipped with emergency supplies, toilets and solar powered chargers and WiFi to enable you to contact your loved ones. Please, tell them to either stay indoors or proceed to other similar parks like this closest to their locations depending on their needs and current level of safety. If the League fails-which is unlikely-or once we have defeated the monster, the news should arrive to you via the emergency information networks established by the local authorities. We [b]will[/b] keep you safe! The League thanks you for your continued cooperation!">>[/color] With that he sped back to Shibuya Crossing and Starro, stopping once he was facing Starro eye to unblinking, giant red eye. Captain Marvel grinned up at Starro as he ran through scenarios on how to defeat the Lovecraftian looking entity before it mind controlled them all. He briefly considered trying to talk him down, but even if he could the tentacles were threatening his fellow League-members. Well, there was one hopefully sure-fire way to damage the creature given their position. [color=red]"I've got just one word for you:[/color][color=gold][b] SHAZAM!"[/b][/color] A giant bolt of magical golden lightning worked on most foes... he hoped.