When the vampire did not immediately react, his glossy eyes unseeing, Izzy thought about saying something, when he started sniffing at her. Her muscles tensed as she waited for the bite that never came. She looked at him with part relief and concern when his head returned to the ground. She blanched at his next request. She opened her mouth to protest, to say that that was not a part of the bargain, but he did not have the time to argue. And, she realized, the last thing she wanted was to watch someone die, vampire or otherwise, especially in such a brutal way. “Okay,” she breathed, her heart racing in her chest. “I’m... I’m going to help you up.” Ignoring the smear of red he had left on her arm, she moved to do just that, to lean him against her. “But I swear,” she continued, her soft voice as shaky as her hands, “if you kill me, I’ll haunt you for eternity.”