[center][b]Pantera Faye[/b][/center] "Magellan! I go to the bathroom for two minutes and we're in a different galaxy! Explain yourself!" The Admiral wailed as she stormed onto the bridge, no less confused than all other officers on deck. Magellan, the Solar Wind's AI, took more than a few seconds to calculate what just happened. "We have unintentionally entered a slipspace portal. We have emerged on uncharted space. I cannot locate any information for the galaxy we are located in, Admiral Faye." "Okay. Why did you activate the slipspace drive?" Asked the Admiral, before the AI retorted. "I did no such thing, Admiral. As I said, we ventured into an unidentified wormhole." The Admiral scoffed, taking off her beret and tossing it over a control panel. "Okay. So why didn't you /pilot/ us away from the wormhole?" [/i] Magellan remained quiet for a second or two. "Unable to explain." The Admiral exhaled, deeply. "Robots these days." "I am a construct of Artificial Intel--" "Shush. I know what you are. Someone, anyone, initiate a galaxy scan. Tell me we're not in covenant controlled space, or something." "Done, Admiral." Replied one of her officers, currently working some magic on his respective control panel. "The nearest planet is several parsecs away. Unidentified, highly advanced civilization. I recommend we--" "Set a course." "Admiral, I--" "Set. A. Course." Without further adiue, the Marathon Cruiser turned about, setting sail at decent trhuster capacity towards the grand Coruscant. The Admiral opened a channel on the intercomm, relaying a message throughout the entire ship for the entire crew. "Attention all Personnel, We-- Wait, is the microphone on yet? No? Oh, it is? Wait, wait. Shit, this is awkward. Attention all personne, I don't know where the fuck we are. Magellan piloted us into a-- "I did no such thing!" "Whatever. /Somehow/ , we entered a wormhole, and now we're in the middle of nowhere. There doesn't seem to be any Covenant in the sector, but we'll find out soon. We've set a course to the nearest planet, a few parsecs away. Scanners indicate a dangerously advanced civilization. Red alert, battle stations everyone. All spartans, and Captain Joseph, report to the bridge." The admiral closed the channel, turning around to find one of her spartans making brief chat with another crewmember. "Apparently, Magellan drove us into a wormhole and now we're in uncharted territory. That's about all I know." Explained the cadet, before Pantera interrupted the two. "Savaymin, you're here early. Good. You wouldn't happen to know what's keeping all your buddies so long, would you?" She asked, despite the fact that she /just/ asked all spartans to the deck only three seconds ago.