He was tall, but with the subtraction of most of his limbs, Cerasus was not particularly heavy. He leaned against Izzy like a sack of potatoes, head lolling against her shoulder. Eventually he realized what she was doing, and without a word began sniffing to find a blood vessel to latch onto. He eventually found an artery, and immediately sunk his teeth into the soft flesh between Izzy's neck and shoulder. The pain was sharp, but dulled quickly as he sucked the blood from her, numbing the area. However, the ordeal was far from pleasant. Izzy could feel the blood in her body redirecting to flow to where she was being bitten. At once she felt nauseous, her fingers and toes growing cold from the lack of bloodflow. She felt light headed soon after, and her heart began to flutter as it worked against this unnatural redirection of her circulatory system. If she had wanted to protest against him, she would likely find that her strength had already been sucked out of her. It did not take long before Izzy was not receiving enough blood to her brain, and she blacked out. [center][u][XXX] later...[/u][/center] Izzy woke with a start. Had it been a dream? No, if it was, she would have awoken in her bedroom. Rather, she was in a very unfamiliar place. It looked like the inside of a ruined building, completely dark with the windows boarded shut, and every light on the ceiling shattered without exception. The walls and ceiling with filthy and musty, and she had been lying on a cracked linoleum floor. Looking around further, she saw school desks and chairs stacked in a haphazard pile on one end of the room. A school? She remembered now, this was the old middle school that had been replaced with a new building about ten years back. The county had meant to tear down this one, but it seemed they never got around to it. As Izzy attempted to get off her back, she found a weight on her arm. Latched onto her left arm, sleeping softly, was a young boy, no older than eight or nine. Soft, golden curls covered his head, and he wore some kind of sporty, old-timey schoolboy's uniform, with shorts and suspenders. Izzy's movements had apparently disturbed him, and his brow furrowed as he clutched her arm more tightly. "Five more minutes..." He murmured, returning to sleep.