Whoever, this boy was, he apparently did not want his sleep to be disturbed. "[i]Said[/i], five more minutes." He murmured again, with a somewhat annoyed tone. He released Izzy's arm, rolling onto his side to face away from her. "Maybe five more years..." He muttered again, before falling back asleep. Now released from the child's grasp, Izzy was able to take in more of her surroundings. Judging by what remained of the signage, she was on the school's second floor, in what was probably at one point a classroom. Her watch said that it was about six o'clock, but with all of the windows boarded up, she didn't know if it was AM or PM. In fact, she didn't even know what day it was. It was worth questioning how she was able to so clearly see the face of her watch, when there didn't seem to be a single source of light in the room. And why did her mouth hurt so much? Too many questions, and nobody to answer them.