[Color=lightgreen][center][h1]Clara Jekyll Moon[/h1][/center][/color] [Color=lightgreen]” So sorry to inform you that Erin can no long drug herself up in order to get rid of me. As you can see she's very fragile so that side couldn't survive without me considering what the girl did when the outbreak happened. It's sad really since everyone else may think that Erin is dangerous just because of little harmless me or at least since there are other monsters crawling around now. By the way sweet cheeks I never left my sister and I never plan to. Vivian just found a way to awaken her sweet niece up before you ever came over for a play date but I bet you remember that day don't you?”[/color] the darker half chuckled at the memory. Erin had skipped a dose just because the medicine made her feel really out of it. The perfect timing for the devil to come out is when the drug is either missed or is wearing off completely. These were the only times that the viper exposed herself. On this day Alex was coming over for a visit and Vivian had no clue that the ten year old missed a dosage considering she hid the pills inside her stuffed hippo at the time. She would have gotten away with drowning Alex long before this new world. If only the nurse had stayed away longer back then. At the time Clara was know as the demon by everyone around the child so playing the scared other half was the easiest thing ever. Her hand was behind his necks before he even knew what was happening until the nurse busted the party. Apparently the water was pouring out of the bathtub and was flowing underneath the door making things very chaotic from panic. A vase was inside the woman's hands before she released it in order to help Erin's playmate. In the end they found out that any short of violence around the two personalities would wake the main one in a instant which was what Vivian did most days. Granted this was how darker half remembered anyhow. [Color=lightgreen]” Guess what. I will never be completely gone Mr. Hill. Nor will you ever be my sister's friend, lover, or anything important to us. No you weren't friends at all. [I]You[/I] was just a crush and frankly always in her way of becoming a better and stronger person such as myself. As for the bandits why not deal with them yourself? Oh. I forgot you're to scared.”[/color] she taunted. The other half knew better. Alex was never weak granted he always seemed to be kinda bossy in her opinion. This was the reason the girl didn't really like Nikki. It wasn't that it was pure hatred just a certain dislike. The day the woman had saved the young woman was pretty amazing because it showed the strength the leader had inside. But the fact that she was leading the group was the reason the teenager didn't get along with women such as herself. They always seemed to be in complete control of themselves , just ask questions first before killing them off, this was something the darker half didn't agree with. First you kill the threat then as questions of why they were there and similar questions. If they got answered then that was great. If not then what was the point of worrying since the threat no longer exists. She shook her head in order to finish the reply. [Color=lightgreen] you and I both know better on the play in nice part buddy. You're much like the way I am right now. Act first and asks questions later. Since you're like this now it's better to say you're my friend instead of Erin's. Considering she doesn't want anyone to know what she was like before all of this. I guess it has something about sensing their inner fear or something like that. Don't ask me for specifics cause I dont know. As for the fourth was it? I can take you on any day of the week. If anything happens to this body then Erin's half brother will kill you on sight, so it's a win win situation for me. I don't play by another person's rules and disdain is not quite the word for us. I would say that we don't really know each other and if we did it would be that we don't see eye to eye.”[/color] As soon as the girl finished her last sentence the hair on her back seemed to stand up. She was used to this feeling but right at this moment it felt stronger than it should have been. [I][COLOR=LIGHTGREEN]” Maybe I'm imagining things. Like some one would be brave enough to attack while we have nothing in hand besides if they want a fight I'm more then willing to accept the challenge.”[/color][/I] she thought to herself. The young woman wasn't even going to tell Alex because ten to one he had felt it an hour or so ago. Maybe even sooner since the guy seemed rather focused on the personal task at hand. The girl turned a right away from the road where Vincent and the others went to gather the supplies they now had inside the school. She couldn't help but hum that stupid lullaby that her half brother loved oh so much because of the silence inside the air. Another right then a left brought them to a drug store. [Color=lightgreen]” Who would have thought that we would run into a place with cover so soon. I assume you have noticed the rather loud footsteps behind us. If not I count at least five. Maybe more since they're staying behind us instead of forcing us into a corner like most would do. Kinda moronic if you ask me.”[/color] she stated out loud. [@alexfangtalon]