[quote=@ScreenAcne] Because this was meant to be a sprite. You suggest to modify my blatantly over the top, ugly fish ears. I demand you duel me sir! [/quote] ALLOW ME TO CLARIFY MINE WORDS, DEAR SIR. I MEAN TO OVERLAY YOUR FISH EARS UNTO THE SPRITE, AS WELL AS CHANGE THE SPRITE'S COLORING. SUCH A THING WOULD ALLOW FOR UNIFORMITY IN THE SPRITES, AS WELL AS ALTER YOUR CHARACTER'S APPEARANCE TO YOUR WISHES, SATISFYING US BOTH. And yes, that's pretty much hero mode, sans background -- Bigger, more realistic, and used for the "action shots" and more serious moments of the story. I guess the equivalent used for the majority (Our heroes being cut and pasted into different environments as they travel and things happen) would be "Sprite mode", which is usually the same head, torso, and noodle limbs with discrepancies for things like posing and expressions. EDIT: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/125474-clownquest/ooc]CLOWNQUEST[/url], for example, is completely in Sprite Mode [s]because I got bored before it got serious[/s]