Black Jack fell to the ground and landed with a loud thud sound. Lying there for a moment, he did not move almost as if he were dead. A moment passed and all that could be heard was the cracking of the rafters breaking beneath Shirley's newly amassed weight. Just as it seemed like he wouldn't get up, Jack popped up onto his feet and laughed. "Can't take me down that easily-AHH!!" He barrel rolled out of the way just in time. Shirley's heavy body dropped from above and rocked the entire warehouse. Just then, Black Jack had a brilliant idea. He shot a glare toward Trick who had nearly taken his revenge away from him. Luckily, Shirley was not dead only incapacitated for the moment. "Time to pay, PRINCESS." He lept toward her, attempting to grab her by the waist and tossing her up to grab her by the ankles. If he managed to succeed he would beat crap out of Shirley with Trick and it would be glorious. If not. He would snatch up his scimitars and start hacking off Shirley's other hand. "Die meathead, die!! His eyes widened beneath his mask as a sharp pain moved throughout his back. The stab wound, where blood was practically spewing from his back, was aching like crazy. Jack stopped what he was doing and tried to place his hand on the wound that was just between his shoulder blades. "Bloody hell." He mimicked a shitty British accent for no reason. "I haven't been stabbed in the back this much since high school. Oh wait..." The young man had never attended high school but he had heard plenty of stories from girls he had dated in the past. Dropping the British accent he grinned beneath his mask. "This is rather enjoyable isn't it, Trick?" He looked toward her, feeling nothing but spite toward the young woman now. Shirley roared and clamored to his feet, swinging a hefty arm toward Jack and covering the place in more blood. "Whoa, whoa Shirley baby, it's okay. I'm just tryna kill ya is all." Jack said as he lept back out of the way. "For the record this is all HER fault. So kill her okay? Not me." He pointed toward Trick and snickered.