[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][hider=Alex Hill] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img] [/hider][hr] Listening to Clara speak through Erin's body oddly sickened him. He may not care about the girl anymore, but mental disorders were very irritating to the young adult. Maybe it was because his sister had a mental disorder or maybe it was due to the fact that those with mental disorders were hard to get to do what you want them to do, and Borderline Personality Disorders were the most difficult to get to do something. Then The darker one mentioned [i]their[/i] first meeting. Of course Alex remembered that day. It was sudden and unexpected. Alex knew bits and pieces of the other one before that meeting, but still had no idea she would be as violent as she was. But that wasn't the biggest surprise from that meeting that Alex got. Most surprising to him was that instead of scared he felt a slight rush. Either way it mattered little now. Something did catch Alex's attention heavily and humorously, [color=cyan]"Wait, did you say crush? I never expected that. Cheers to you Clara, I'll finally say your name. You actually made me laugh a little. I never even suspected Erin had a crush on me. That's really strange, but now that I think about it it makes sense a little."[/color] Alex laughed a little at the thought of Erin having a crush on him, but he was actually a little ticked. He hated not knowing what those around him thought and felt. He'd have to make sure he kept a closer eye on the girl. The more and more Clara talked however the more Alex was surprised. Today he had already talked to this half more than he had ever before the outbreak. So, the young man decided to listen for a while in order to see if there was more to the girl than he knew. When Clara said that they were similar in an act first ask questions later style a half grin formed on Alex's face. Yes, he preferred that style over asking first then acting, but Alex tended to use a different format if he could. Acting while asking. Alex found it worked best for him. Psychologically attacking ones opponent made them fight sloppy and stupidly. No one expects an interrogation during a fight so it also gets more answer out of someone than you'd expect. Alex also liked making people pay for the crap they've done. He did decide to speak up when Clara seemed to stop speaking, [color=cyan]"Half-brother. Seriously Clara you are hiding quite a few surprises. Also won't you constantly coming out eventually lead to those people figuring something out? I mean it can't be that easy hiding that kind of secret when living so close together."[/color] When he finished his sentence Alex looked over at Clara. Seemed she finally noticed it. Alex was surprised it took her as long as it did. Could be his inadvertent distracting her caused her not to notice how they were being followed. If Alex hadn't seen them when leaving the school it would have taken him awhile as well. These guys following them knew nothing about stealth. Wearing black in the middle of the day was an eye soar to Alex. They weren't that quiet either. Guess these guys thought to kids would be easy targets. The one thing Alex didn't understand was why they weren't doing anything. The numskulls had numerous chances to attack when the duo had to dispatch the occasional walkers. When they reached the drug store Alex was actually a little relieved to see that it hadn't been hit to bad. When Clara brought up the 'stalkers' Alex nodded his head and said, [color=cyan]"Yeah. Honestly it kinda ticks me off. Maybe they just wanted to know what kinda stuff we were after."[/color] Alex gestured towards some cover then proceeded to move behind some. He then called out towards the group following them, [color=cyan]"Alright, you guys. You followed us this far. So, you gonna hide like wimps or come out and fight."[/color] Waiting for a while Alex wondered if the guys were even gonna face the two. Then six guys walked out. Two held guns and the others had various handheld weapons. Alex thought to himself, [color=cyan][i]*These guys are so friken cocky.*[/i][/color] [@Demonic Angel]