Hearing Izzy speak, the young boy's expression softened somewhat. He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest, and looking down at Izzy's prone form with something that sat between pity and annoyance. This boy looked like he could have been Cerasus' son, or relative of some sort. It was difficult to gauge at first, due to the massive age difference. Izzy couldn't really tell how old Cerasus was when she first saw him, but she could probably place him at being around, oh, twenty-seven or so. And this boy had all of his limbs. Straight and skinny, just like a kid's, they were all there. But the blond hair, the gold eyes, the white fangs that showed when he spoke, they all hinted at who he really was. "Yes, it's me. I'm glad you're keeping up, at least." So it was Cerasus, or at least this boy was playing along. "I'm not fond of this form, but it's necessary at the moment. Regardless of that, never go out in sunlight again. You'll be trapped between life and death until either your regeneration gives out, or the sun sets. At the very least, it'll be a living hell. For however much our kind can be said to live."