"What did I do?" Cerasus echoed her question, almost sarcastically. He did not seem to appreciate Izzy's hostile tone, judging by his sour expression. It was a very queer thing to see such a young boy speak and carry himself with the bearing of a grown man. "I spared your life, is what I did. I didn't tell you this, but for me to recover fully from my wounds, I would have needed all of the blood in your body. Instead, I only took enough to save myself. That was apparently enough to turn you." Before Izzy could protest, he strode forward, staring her in the eye. As she was kneeling, he still stood slightly above her. "Don't give me that look. You offered your throat to me. You were willing to throw your life away. I let you keep it. If anything, you should be thanking me. It is an honor to be enthralled to one such as myself."