[hr][hr][center][h1][color=steelblue]Ashton Holloway[/color][/h1] [img]http://www.theterminatorfans.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/biehn-reese-734x310.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Courthouse [/center][hr][hr] The look on Ash's face was that of pale duality. His face was emotionless stone, despite the blatant chewing out he had just administered to one of his oldest living friends. The eyes told a different story, however. Pain and rage warred with each other, threatening to burst out at any moment. It was a dam looking for a moment to crack open, though whether it released grief or madness lay open to speculation. Zoie approached, seemingly with some hesitation. Ash could only imagine how disheveled and unstable he appeared. The gun probably didn't help much, either. Numbly, he holstered his weapon and turned his head to the Very Very Southern lady, listening to her speak. Ash breathed the tiniest sigh of relief when the news came back that the horde had been diverted, and nodded soberly at the clarification that they were indeed diverted to Eden. The thought had occurred to him that willingly moving the horde in a specific direction may cause some casualties among the innocent - if Eden was such a horrible place there may well be prisoners there, or bystanders between Newnan and Peachtree that would get swept away by the flood of the Dead. On the other hand, an obvious and major threat like a couple thousand corpses funneling down the highway would give excellent cause for random folk to flee for their lives. It may even give people held by the bastards in Eden opportunity to escape. While Ash held no delusions that his orders to divert the horde would result in only good, beneficial things for decent people and horrible, justified ripping deaths to bad ones, his first priority was to the people of Newnan. Moving the horde was good for the community. Moving the horde to Eden, while not compassionate [i]in the slightest[/i], was also good for Newnan. Others die so that his people could live. That's just the way the world worked now. Look after your people, make damned sure they're worth it. Ash raised an eyebrow upon hearing that Zoie accepted his offer to take over as his Second. He had already made his decision on the matter earlier in the day, but fate conspired to deprive him of his first and second choices. His difficulties with Vivian notwithstanding, she would have made an excellent leader. Caesar? The old man was powerful, respected, and already was a great leader of men before the world turned to shit. Selecting a newcomer was a huge stretch for him, but Caesar backed her in his final moments. Besides, with all of the new people coming in that day, it would favorably influence the loyalty of the rest if recent additions were given positions of authority. At that moment, Kristina returned from the tower. She locked eyes with Ash and began speaking as if she did not notice the conversation that he was already in. The mentally shaken Captain held up one finger, indicating with irritation that he would be with her momentarily. He held his gaze at the young woman for a moment longer, before returning to Zoie. [color=steelblue]"Maybe later. Place not too far from here, fella can get a drink. I have some things first, need my attention." "You."[/color] he said with lowered voice, to Kristina. [color=steelblue]"You and I have both had a very bad day. Before our really bad day ends, there are a few things you need to know. First: You give [i]no one[/i] orders in this place. I have no idea why you thought that was acceptable, but it's not. Second: Report to the Armory and turn over your sidearms. Tom will assign you a lock box. Until I know if you're a loose cannon, you're strictly civilian here. Third: Sally will assign you quarters. I strongly suggest you settle in for the evening. You are dismissed."[/color] Ashton looked back to Zoie and nodded curtly. He flatly stated a simple, military [color=steelblue]"Ma'am."[/color] and briskly walked off. The last few rays of the sun outlined his form as he strode out of the front door, past the wagon, and around to his personal quarters in a building that used to be called "Wynn House", a former dwelling converted to an antique store, re-converted into housing. Having rank gave him slightly better accommodations. A mote of privacy, at least. Soon, he would have to deal with the quarters of the fallen Newnanites, a task he was not anxious to begin. Before he could get more than a few meters from the Courthouse door, he heard James' voice call from his truck. [color=firebrick]"Boss! Hey there, Bossman! Yo, we gots us a cow, um, caught in some branches from befoe. She just dead, or real near to it. Can I get some couplea boys and get Besse down? Maybe fire up Mr. Smokey and get us a good meal set up fo tomorrow?"[/color] Ash never addressed the man directly. Instead, he spoke into his walkie, communicating with the Gate, [color=steelblue]"James Grady and a small party are handling an issue near Agriculture. Let them pass."[/color] As an afterthought, he continued, [color=steelblue]"And someone from Domestic, find a grassy spot inside the wall that the Valkyries can set up on for tonight."[/color] James intoned a cheerful message of gratitude and began turning his truck around, while Ash continued to his quarters, emotions high but still buried beneath the stone that was his psyche.