In case anybody wondered about the new avatar... [hider=THUNDERSTRIKE!] [img][/img] [b]Player Name:[/b] The Kid Lantern [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Kevin Masterson [b]Alias:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] None presently [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] Eric Masterson was an American architect working in Europe when he found what he believed to be the tomb of an Asgardian while mountain climbing. Fast forward another two decades. Eric is an award winning writer and researcher of Norse Gods and the mythology surrounding it. Days after Asgardians started appearing in NYC, Eric was approached by a man claiming to be an inventor hoping to mimic the weaponry of Norse Gods with modern tech. Leaving his seventeen year old son Kevin for a few days turned into Masterson disappearing for the entire month of August! Kevin was just getting settled into his new school, Midtown High, and had problems fitting in. Born in the south and living with his mother Marcy for the first sixteen years of his life and having a southern accent didn't help matters. The relationship with his super-nerd father was on the rocks to say the least since his mother passed away months earlier after giving custody to Eric. After being gone for nearly a month, his father showed up at their Queens apartment bloody and beaten clutching on to a backpack. His last words were 'only you and I can lift it...' before falling into a coma. While getting his father to the hospital, agents of AIM showed up at the apartment and grabbed what they thought was the backpack containing the weapon. In fact, they had grabbed Kevin's backpack loaded down with textbooks. Later that night, after leaving his father in the Mount Sinai Hospital, Kevin went home to discover the mace of power in the backpack his father had brought in. After activating the weapon it dropped to the ground and would not budge. That was until Kevin had found an ID scanner in the handle that scanned his thumb print. When the mace recognized him, the safeguard was removed and Kevin was able to lift the weapon. Minutes after that, Kevin was shocked when the agents of AIM returned. The young would-be hero managed to defeat the four men using the power mace much in the same way the Asgardians on tv had used their weapons. The mace seemed to generate and shoot blasts of lightning, when thrown had the striking power to knock a man through a wall, as well as the strange ability to return to Kevin's hand. With his father still in a coma, Kev forged a superhero identity for himself and did everything he could to find clues to lead him back to the mysterious agents of AIM when he wasn't going to school and living life as a stranger in a strange land. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] Thunderstrike's powers all come from the mace also dubbed Thunderstrike. The weapon is the closest thing to Asgardian weaponry AIM could create and has several abilities, however nowhere near as powerful as the hammer of Thor. Powers include: * Lightning/Energy blasts - self explanatory * Dermal Force Field - when in hand, gives Thunderstrike limited durability * Flight - unlike Thor's hammer the mace doesn't need to be thrown/caught * Striking Power - imagine getting hit by a baseball thrown by a pro baseball player roughly 90 mph. Now turn that into a 50 pound hammer and imagine it with another 100 mph added to it's speed when thrown. Used like a regular hammer or club, it feels like getting hit by a 50 pound hammer LOL * Auto Return - when thrown it returns to sender when commanded. Voice activated. * Safeguard - when turned on, the mace drops to the ground wherever it is unless it recognizes the ID of Eric Masterson or his son Kevin. They are the only two people who can wield it as it is meant to be without resistance. Weaknesses include: * Safeguard Fail - when the mace is turned off, anyone can carry it around or use it to bludgeon somebody. A tech expert could crack the safeguard presumably and reprogram the mace. However most enemies don't know that there is an off switch. * Dermal Force Field Fail - if the mace isn't in Kevin's hand, he's as vulnerable as anyone in light body armor. [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] Sins of the Father - Kevin continues to look for clues leading him to AIM while making a name for himself as a teen superhero. Bloodaxe - Thunderstrike follows clues to an underground testing facility where he comes face to face with AIM's [url=]Bloodaxe.[/url] This agent of AIM wields a similar weapon to Kevin's mace [a man-made Asgardian knock-off] with similar powers as well as a few of it's own. Champions/Defenders - Kevin will make friends in the teen superhero community and assemble a team to take down the splinter cell of AIM responsible for his father's current state. This leads the team into a confrontation with [url=]the Super Adaptoid![/url] [b]Important Notes:[/b] * In the comics Thunderstrike was originally Eric Masterson, a stand in for Thor at one time. * If something like the Champions doesn't happen in-game, Eric may wake up and claim the mace. * Kevin Masterson was originally Thunderstrike II in the MC2 universe, and had internalized the power of the mace. * This character concept is also influenced by Ultimate Thor. [/hider] I was torn between putting him in blue like his dad in the comics, or red as Kevin originally wore in the MC2 universe. Either way, 'ere it is. ~KL~