Natalie dropped her arm to her side when Erwin turned to her, realizing that it was probably a bit thoughtless to come up to her comrade from behind like that after what had just happened. As much as she wanted to be happy, glad that she and him and all the other survivors had made it back, Nat couldn't shake the misery. They had lost far more than just several members of their squad. They were the lucky ones, arguably. There were so many other deaths and losses happening elsewhere, and they just couldn't see it. But maybe, that was for the best. Witnessing the death of so many people you knew would be... something else entirely. Taking a shaky breath, Natalie closed her eyes for a moment just as another UEE MAS flew into the hangar. The war that was raging outside of the ship made the relative quiet of the Solace's interior disconcerting at best. Distant rumbles and flashes filtered through her closed eyes and ringing ears. Lifting her eyelids once again, Nat was too tired wring out her balled fists as some of her sorrow turned into rage. With no outlet, the anger spread through-out her like a poison in her veins, weighing down her body. It was almost comforting just to hear Web's voice bring up the notion of grabbing a cup of coffee as if they had just woken up from a bad dream and it would all be okay. [i]"Maybe it will be,"[/i] Natalie whispered to herself as she pushed a strand of brown hair on her sweat-covered forehead back into the bun she had pulled her hair into. She exhaled at what she had said to herself, unsure of what to actually think of it. "I would love some coffee, Web." Looking up at him, Natalie was sure that she would never witness the man himself Webber Darley shed a tear, but with how... damp... he was, it would be almost impossible to discern where the water came from. That was a good thing, considering how if he had, she would be afraid she would do the same. It was a good thing there was a known cry-baby among the group, seeing as it would at least be predictable coming from Erwin. Speaking of Erwin, the youngest soldier in the squad himself offered to make the pot of coffee, asserting that she and Web deserved a break more than he did. It bugged Nat that he considered his emotional needs less than theirs, but then again, she wasn't his big sister or anything. Erwin was a soldier, an adult in his own rite, even if his little mental dam was a push away from leaking. "Thanks for making it through that one," Nat said to Web, reiterating what Erwin had said a moment ago. The air felt a little too thick after though, so she made her way past Erwin and started off towards their living quarters. It was a temporary relief to get away from the hangars... Without even checking if they followed, she cracked the door to the closest thing they had to a kitchen. It was more like a lounge with a fridge and some other utilities, but that was far more than they needed anyway. As the brunette stepped into the room, filled with its familiar vague stuffiness, she ripped out the two clips hidden in her hair, letting her fall down overly-dramatically. The strands just fell back limply, so Nat shook her head to make it fall naturally to her shoulders. Normally, she would maintain a proper military appearance around her comrades, but for once, distancing herself from her job seemed far more enjoyable than keeping a professional air. After brushing her bangs out of the way, Nat walked over to the counter and pulled out the god-send that was a a bag of instant-coffee mix. She was about to start it herself, but remembering Erwin had kindly offered to do it made the simple task seem like a terrible bother. Instead, Nat collapsed into a worn-out couch by the wall, and she almost cried when her back hit the cushioning. Being hunched over the controls of a MAS like that was surprisingly straining this time around. Kicking back like that felt dirty however, when she reminded herself of the people still fighting for their lives out there. Sitting back up-right, she ran her hands over her face, wiping the sweat on the pants of her flight-suit. It wasn't worth changing out of it, considering the very real risk of having to engage in more combat soon. Hopefully... that wouldn't be the case. Natalie decided right then that she would be grateful if they didn't have to fight anytime soon for now.