Izzy inhaled at the harrowing laughter that came from the childlike form and seemed to wrap around her, as if trying to create a cage that would hold her even after the sun set. Though she knew where it originated from, she could not help but turn her head to follow a couple of the echoes as they bounced off the walls beside her, and ducking slightly as a few louder peals of laughter rang maliciously in her ears. She snarled as he began speaking, a retort rolling around on her tongue, until he spoke of punishment. She snapped her mouth shut and stepped back. If it still could, she suspected the blood would have drained from her face, and fear flickered in her eyes. It was a cruel reminder that she had no idea what he was capable of, what powers it was he possessed. For all she knew, the lack of strength he had shown outside could have been nothing but another side effect of the sun. And he had had an indefinite number of years to hone his abilities. She quite suddenly and utterly regretted saving him. As boring and monotonous as her hometown was, as much as she had wanted something [i]exciting[/i] to happen, this, being prisoner to the night and [i]servant[/i] to a monster, was not what she had had in mind. But, as he stated being at his weakest, a glimmer of mutiny flashed over her features. Perhaps there was still some way out. “Meaning?” she growled out softly when he finished, trying to hide her thoughts behind a stoic mask.