Izzy eyed him as he rephrased his order. “Meaning you want them dead,” she said flatly. “Or close to it.” Izzy shuddered at the reminder of his condition when she had first found him. Of that, she was sure she would have nightmares of for years to come... if vampires even had dreams. At least, if they did not, that would be one thing the race had going for them. When Cerasus finished with his orders, Izzy stared at him, mouth agape. “They what now? You want me to hunt down your missing [i]limbs?[/i]” Things just kept getting weirder and weirder. But a morbid curiosity had befallen her. “And where the freak would I find [i]those?[/i] Because I highly doubt they’d be kept in the freezer of the local meat market.”