Chester began laughing, maniacally as Lina grimaced and cringed at the taste of beer. "It'll come to you, kiddo." He explained, taking a swig off his grog, almost finishing the bottle in one go. "Hey, Barmaiden, another bottle of grog, if you please." Disregarding what Macario said about only buying him one drink. Chester had after all saved him from those yellow coat-guys. Much to his surprise, Lina chugged her drink, he smiled. "Better beer is always the solution." Chester added. He listened - sort off, anyway - to what Macario said. Macario was talking about his job, about the research he did - truly fascinating stuff. "Oh, so you're really nerdy spies, then." Chester exclaimed, much too loud for the rather [i]sensitive subject.[/i] "Like, super nerdy ones. Gotcha." The pirate noted. *** Isaac and Jeko walked into another tavern, the Bilgerat, the Quartz Company's watering hole. It was empty - for now. Isaac opened the door, only to get met by the click of a gun as it was cocked. "Stand real freaking still." The cold voice from inside of the tavern spoke, drinking from his glass of cider as the seven feet long rifle was resting with the bipod on the table, aimed at the door. "You move a muscle, and I'll put a fresh new hole in your chest." The sniper threatened Isaac and Jeko, whom froze. "C'Mon Kuhn. Drink getting to you already?" Isaac asked. "You don't wanna shoot us, old man Goldenrod wouldn't like that." Isaac reminded him - showing that the drunken swordsman was still in the know, somehow. "We have work for you." "And stop drinking that piss cider. Grab a beer or a grog, man." He added, before the three would eventually leave the tavern - not for grabbing another round. *** Chester yawned and stretched, Macario and Lina were still talking, he was not paying attention - he was now six bottles in, and Macario still didn't seem to have been clued in that Chester was gonna leave him with the tab. "I'mma go take a leak." He said, as he stood up, heading towards the bathroom. He returned a minute later, after the door had already swung open - and the [i]other odd[/i] trio walked in, Kuhn in the front, Chester didn't see him, but Kuhn quickly made his way to Chester as he came around the corner from the bathroom, the gunner clotheslined Chester, taking him by surprise, putting one hand around his throat, forcing him to the ground, and with the next, he aimed his sawed off shotgun - from his high, at Chester's forehead. "You're gonna have a pretty bad day, bucko." Kuhn told Chester, whom snarled. "Not as bad as you are."